FS#68599 - [sx] [sz] [lrzsz] Conflict on /usr/bin/sx /usr/bin/sz files
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Opened by Aleksei (nesk_bugs) - Thursday, 12 November 2020, 16:24 GMT
Last edited by Sergej Pupykin (sergej) - Thursday, 10 August 2023, 01:09 GMT
Opened by Aleksei (nesk_bugs) - Thursday, 12 November 2020, 16:24 GMT
Last edited by Sergej Pupykin (sergej) - Thursday, 10 August 2023, 01:09 GMT
Can't install sx when lrzsz is already installed.
Additional info: * lrzsz 0.12.20-7, sx-2.1.6-1-any Steps to reproduce: * Have lrzsz installed * pacman -S sx resolving dependencies... community/sx 2.1.6-1 0.00 MiB 0.01 MiB # ... error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) sx: /usr/bin/sx exists in filesystem (owned by lrzsz) Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded. |
This task depends upon
| A zmodem sz -vv -b Y U N Y Y |
| B ymodem sb -vv Y U N Y Y |
| C xmodem sx -vv Y U N Y N |
| D zmodem rz -vv -b -E N D N Y Y |
| E ymodem rb -vv N D N Y Y |
| F xmodem rx -vv Y D N Y N |
It's just a command name. :/ People can use it where- and how- ever they like.
And this is apparently not just about sx!
My $0.02 -- conflicts are fine.
{ "sz -vv -b", 0, "pprog1" },
{ "sb -vv", 0, "pprog2" },
{ "sx -vv", 0, "pprog3" },
{ "rz -vv -b -E", 0, "pprog4" },
{ "rb -vv", 0, "pprog5" },
{ "rx -vv", 0, "pprog6" },
.send_cmd = "sz -vv",
.receive_cmd = "rz -vv -E",
They can be overwritten with config or command line options.
So...not really sure what to do here: both in the case of my sx package and Archange's sz package, the name of the package is the name of the command and the one and only executable shipped.
Perhaps the lrzsz commands could go into /usr/bin/lrzsz/ or /opt/lrzsz/, since the hardcoding seems to imply their own unique ecosystem?
edit: end dir paths with slashes for clarity