FS#65958 - Include archived releases section on Downloads page
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Arch Linux
Opened by korimitsu (korimitsu) - Tuesday, 24 March 2020, 11:41 GMT
Last edited by David Runge (dvzrv) - Monday, 04 September 2023, 01:29 GMT
Opened by korimitsu (korimitsu) - Tuesday, 24 March 2020, 11:41 GMT
Last edited by David Runge (dvzrv) - Monday, 04 September 2023, 01:29 GMT
Would like that Arch Linux Downloads page (https://www.archlinux.org/download/) includes references to archived releases, not only "Release Info". Had to download older iso for install with older kernel 5.4.15 because of UEFI bugs with linux 5.5.6 |
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Closed by David Runge (dvzrv)
Monday, 04 September 2023, 01:29 GMT
Reason for closing: Upstream
Additional comments about closing: Please open issues related to the archweb based website on the respective issue tracker at https://github.com/archlinux/archweb
Monday, 04 September 2023, 01:29 GMT
Reason for closing: Upstream
Additional comments about closing: Please open issues related to the archweb based website on the respective issue tracker at https://github.com/archlinux/archweb

UEFI or USB I'm not sure.

Do you just want it to link to this page?

Yes, a link or section mentioning it.

A link to that page already is on the first page of the website.

Not to Download, but to archived releases.

We have a link to
on the home page. On the download page, I personally don't think
we should have anything else, because it might confuse users.
@Jelle, what you think?

We can link to it but we should really not recommend it.

Yes, I'm worried about confusing users. The download page should
be focused on getting the current stuff. I'm not sure on the best
way to add the link without somehow endorsing old stuff,

Add a very tiny blurb stating "Historic releases can be found at
<url>"? People will be confused enough by its linkage on the
main page, if you ask me.

It's a simple link called "ISO Release List". Don't see it as
confusing. But I don't see the point in also having it on the
download page. Down with the old, up with the new.

What pages link to "https://www.archlinux.org/releng/releases/"?

The "ISO Release List" on archlinux.org

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