FS#62155 - [curl] /usr/share/fish/completions/curl.fish exists in filesystem (owned by fish)

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Josip Ponjavic (metak) - Wednesday, 27 March 2019, 11:39 GMT
Last edited by Levente Polyak (anthraxx) - Thursday, 15 October 2020, 21:35 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Testing
Status Closed
Assigned To Levente Polyak (anthraxx)
Architecture All
Severity Low
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 1
Private No



With latest update I get this error:

curl: /usr/share/fish/completions/curl.fish exists in filesystem (owned by fish)

This file is also present in fish-3.0.2-1, hence the conflict.

Additional info:
* curl-7.64.1-1

Steps to reproduce:
This task depends upon

Closed by  Levente Polyak (anthraxx)
Thursday, 15 October 2020, 21:35 GMT
Reason for closing:  Fixed
Additional comments about closing:  fixed since 7.65.0
Comment by Christian Hesse (eworm) - Wednesday, 27 March 2019, 11:55 GMT
As curl upstream provides the file now... Probably we should drop it from fish. anthraxx?
Comment by Siegfried Metz (NiceGuy) - Wednesday, 27 March 2019, 12:04 GMT
That seems appropriate, as of fish version 3.0.2, the file installed by fish in /usr/share/fish/completions/curl.fish includes the following comment:

# mqudsi: Given the size and scope of curl's arguments, I don't have the time
# to add proper completions, but want to enable path completion for data file
# parameters, which allow specifying the path to a payload to upload as @path,
# which fish won't complete otherwise.

Curl's own completions should be the way forward.
[Edited to add:] I had a quick look at version 7.64.1-1 of curl in testing,
it includes a much more sophisticated completion file for fish.
Comment by Levente Polyak (anthraxx) - Thursday, 15 October 2020, 19:39 GMT
yeah i agree, upstream should be prioritized, lets drop it from fish
Comment by Eli Schwartz (eschwartz) - Thursday, 15 October 2020, 20:05 GMT
Since https://github.com/curl/curl/pull/3723 it is installed to /usr/share/fish/vendor_completions.d/curl.fish anyway. The packages no longer conflict since curl 7.65.0 even without removing the completion file from curl. This is solely on fish at this point.
