FS#61673 - [dmenu] 4.9-1 segfaults immediately on user input
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Community Packages
Opened by fwfull (fluffywaffles) - Friday, 08 February 2019, 01:39 GMT
Last edited by Jonas Witschel (diabonas) - Thursday, 11 November 2021, 10:36 GMT
Opened by fwfull (fluffywaffles) - Friday, 08 February 2019, 01:39 GMT
Last edited by Jonas Witschel (diabonas) - Thursday, 11 November 2021, 10:36 GMT
dmenu 4.9-1 segfaults once I start typing in the popup.
Kernel 4.20.6, running bspwm 0.9.5, st 0.8.1, X server
1.20.3, nothing else.
Downgrade to 4.8 fixes issue. |
This task depends upon
Closed by Jonas Witschel (diabonas)
Thursday, 11 November 2021, 10:36 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: Fixed in 5.0. (linked commit is included in that release).
Thursday, 11 November 2021, 10:36 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: Fixed in 5.0. (linked commit is included in that release).
echo 'a\nb\nc' | strace dmenu > strace.out
dmenu popup opened. Pressed enter. Segfault. strace output attached. Indecipherable to one such as me - if there is anything else I can provide will happily comply. Thanks for your patience and for being a package maintainer.
EDIT: sorry captured stdin instead of stderr. Changed '>' to '&>' in test script. Fixing attachment.
However, this seems to be some kind of corruption issue in one or the other way, however it works perfectly fine over here.
I don't see this as a packaging issue but as an issue with the upstream software.
Please open a bug ticket at the dmenu bugtracker providing them strace and coredump output via coredumpctl PID dump.
I don't think this is a packaging issue
I've bound this script in my ~/.i3/config
#bindsym $mod+d exec dmenu_run
bindsym $mod+d exec /opt/dmenu_fix
---- EDIT ----
Alternatively starting fcitx (the IME I use) also mitigated the crashes.