FS#59960 - download.kde.org returns 403 for many sources
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Arch Linux
Opened by Erich Eckner (deepthought) - Thursday, 06 September 2018, 12:29 GMT
Last edited by Antonio Rojas (arojas) - Thursday, 06 September 2018, 12:44 GMT
Opened by Erich Eckner (deepthought) - Thursday, 06 September 2018, 12:29 GMT
Last edited by Antonio Rojas (arojas) - Thursday, 06 September 2018, 12:44 GMT
the following packages (and possibly others, too) fail to build from source due to 403 responses from downloads.kde.org: akonadi analitza baloo-widgets grantleetheme kate kcalcore kcontacts kcron kdav kde-syndication kdegraphics-mobipocket kdialog kldap kmag kmime kmousetool kmouth kontactinterface kpimtextedit kpkpass kqtquickcharts ksmtp ksystemlog libkcddb libkcompactdisc libkdcraw libkdegames libkexiv2 libkipi libkmahjongg libkomparediff2 libksane marble signon-kwallet-extension Steps to reproduce: > git checkout 39d87b53d9da08ba14d791052d6ed0becb93a3c9 > cd $pkgname/repos/extra-x86_64 > makepkg --verifysource |
This task depends upon
Closed by Antonio Rojas (arojas)
Thursday, 06 September 2018, 12:44 GMT
Reason for closing: Not a bug
Additional comments about closing: Packagers have early access to sources
Thursday, 06 September 2018, 12:44 GMT
Reason for closing: Not a bug
Additional comments about closing: Packagers have early access to sources

They are not public yet, will be within the next few hours.