FS#59218 - Do not deprecate --root while --sysroot is an incomplete replacement

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Johannes Ernst (jernst) - Monday, 02 July 2018, 19:01 GMT
Last edited by Eli Schwartz (eschwartz) - Monday, 02 July 2018, 19:05 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Extra
Status Closed
Assigned To No-one
Architecture All
Severity Low
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No


pacstrap (and other uses of pacman like pacstrap) is currently unable to use --sysroot instead of the obsoleted -r aka --root:

* pacman.conf needs to be manually copied into the sysroot directory
* networking does not work inside the chroot (can possibly be made to work by copying additional files first; not tested)

I sugest, until there is a fully-featured implementation of --sysroot:

* put documentation for -r | --root back into man pacman (was completely removed)
* put something like this into the man page's --sysroot section:

--sysroot is intended to completely replace --root over time, but it is not ready yet.

* remove "warning: option --root is deprecated; use --sysroot instead" output from pacman when using -r

Discussion here: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1795260
This task depends upon

Closed by  Eli Schwartz (eschwartz)
Monday, 02 July 2018, 19:05 GMT
Reason for closing:  Duplicate
Additional comments about closing:   FS#58778 
Comment by Eli Schwartz (eschwartz) - Monday, 02 July 2018, 19:04 GMT
It's only ever useful for pacstrap.
