FS#5870 - ls command segmentation fault (coreutils 6.5)
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Arch Linux
Opened by Alberto Gonzalez (Luis) - Tuesday, 21 November 2006, 13:24 GMT
Opened by Alberto Gonzalez (Luis) - Tuesday, 21 November 2006, 13:24 GMT
I upgraded coreutils to 6.5 and when I run 'ls' in my home
directory I get a segmentation fault message. If I run 'dir'
instead I do get my contents listed. And 'ls' works in other
directories or even subdirectories of my home directory.
Downgrading to coreutils 6.4.2 solves the problem. |
This task depends upon
touch test
chgrp 123456 test
ls -l
and it should give you a segfault.
The resolution is here: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-coreutils/2006-11/msg00153.html
I'm trying the patch to see if it works.