FS#58158 - [linux] Flickering screen on AMDGPU with Linux 4.16-2
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Arch Linux
Opened by rainer (raneon) - Saturday, 07 April 2018, 19:57 GMT
Last edited by Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) - Thursday, 19 April 2018, 09:18 GMT
Opened by rainer (raneon) - Saturday, 07 April 2018, 19:57 GMT
Last edited by Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) - Thursday, 19 April 2018, 09:18 GMT
Description: I upgraded to Linux 4.16-2 from testing, but
since then the screen is flickering with my AMDGPU and DC
enabled. The flickering is visible especially on
Plasma-Wayland as soon as you move the mouse, it is like a
bright flickering, not like a graphical corruption. On SDDM
or Plasma X11 the flickering is much less frequent, but even
there the screen flickers from time to time. A downgrade to
Linux 4.15 stable solved this.
Additional info: * Linux 4.16-2 from testing * AMDGPU.DC=1 (kernel parameter) Steps to reproduce: 1. Ugrade to Linux 4.16.2 with AMDGPU.DC enabled on a RX480 2. Screen is flickering |
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Closed by Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig)
Thursday, 19 April 2018, 09:18 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: 4.16.2-2
Thursday, 19 April 2018, 09:18 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: 4.16.2-2
You could try https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/linux-amd-staging-drm-next-git/ first or bisect between 4.15 and 4.16 and find which commit is causing the issue.
General information on kernel bug reporting https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/reporting-bugs.html