FS#57526 - [patch] [Security] multiple issues (CVE-2018-6952 CVE-2018-6951)
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Arch Linux
Opened by Morten Linderud (Foxboron) - Thursday, 15 February 2018, 23:37 GMT
Last edited by Sébastien Luttringer (seblu) - Monday, 14 January 2019, 13:54 GMT
Opened by Morten Linderud (Foxboron) - Thursday, 15 February 2018, 23:37 GMT
Last edited by Sébastien Luttringer (seblu) - Monday, 14 January 2019, 13:54 GMT
======= The package patch is vulnerable to multiple issues including arbitrary code execution and denial of service via CVE-2018-6952 and CVE-2018-6951. Guidance ======== Cherry pick the given patches References ========== https://security.archlinux.org/AVG-619 https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?53133 https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/patch.git/commit/?id=f290f48a621867084884bfff87f8093c15195e6a https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?53132 |
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Seems like CVE-2018-6952 hasn't had a fix pushed so far. However CVE-2018-1000156 is now a thing and has multiple related commits in the tree. I think all commits from 04-06-2018 and onwards are related, but unsure.
All patches are upstream:
- 53132 https://github.com/mirror/patch/commit/f290f48a621867084884bfff87f8093c15195e6a
- 53133 https://github.com/mirror/patch/commit/9c986353e420ead6e706262bf204d6e03322c300
- CVE-2018-1000156 https://github.com/mirror/patch/commit/123eaff0d5d1aebe128295959435b9ca5909c26d
Sorry for the GitHub link but looks like savannah is down for me :-/
See https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=241814
Btw, the patches doesn't apply as is.
If there no objection I will patch to latest commit.
Upstream should release after they publish a CVE.
just pulling that one addition in would be preferred and would save the signature.
lets not kill signatures if not really required, patch normally doesn't require excessive backports so we can assume it will normalize soon
What do you means by saving the signature?
I didn't waste time dealing with patches conflicts because another dev has to commit to this package in the meantime.
As implemented inline in the PKGBUILD, it encourages PKGBUILDs to be more verbose than necessary -- it takes a seven-line prepare function to apply *one* patch, and only demonstrates usefulness when you routinely have more than seven patches to apply. When there are no patches to apply, it makes people do a double-take, then spend five minutes repeatedly reading the PKGBUILD trying to figure out where the patch is, that the prepare() function implies should exist.
Once I get past that, now in order to tell if a patch is applied properly, I have to read the snippet, figure out what conditions trigger it, then reread the source array, then try to figure out whether or not it works with renamed patches, and then rely on *watching comments* fly past during the "==> Starting prepare()..." step of makepkg in order to guarantee I've gotten it correct.
If I add an explicit patch command and the filename I try to apply, does not exist (maybe because I forgot to rename it to something ending in .patch, maybe because I commented out the name in the source array), then it will instantly fail and I'll know it.
Aside: this comment "should be a pacman feature" is IMO totally incorrect, for a couple reasons:
1) Nothing is a pacman feature unless it's proposed as such, and I cannot find any feature request for it,
2) If someone did propose it, then as a current major contributor to makepkg I would argue long and hard that it's a very very bad idea, not just because of the confusion I described above, but also because the excessive optimization towards build systems that try to read your mind and guess what you want to do, is exactly the reason I *don't* use the sort of distros that implement these so-called features. I consider it asking for trouble, no less than a build system that that tests to see if a Makefile exists somewhere and then automatically calls `make` without using a build() function.
3) As a personal choice, I would never use it, or demand the right to turn it off, so I could add inline comments to the prepare function before each patch, describing why it is necessary to modify upstream code. This is typically a link to some upstream pull request, or to a bugtracker ticket. Applying these comments to the source=() array would be confusing IMO, because there's no clear separation between patches and other content, and because it makes it harder to visually parse the different components of a PKGBUILD.
4) If it were to become a pacman feature, the absolute minimum criteria for it to be accepted is that it would have to support makepkg's documented source file renaming, which is used in many PKGBUILDs in the wild:
> It is also possible to change the name of the downloaded file, which is helpful with weird URLs and for handling multiple source files with the same name. The syntax is: source=('filename::url').
And it would also have to support architecture-specific sources, which also exist in many PKGBUILDs in the wild (pacman is not specific to Arch Linux) and which I believe are the correct way to handle x86_64 specific sources even in a distro that only supports x86_64.
Using makepkg's undocumented internal functions (get_all_sources_for_arch, get_filename, msg2, error) which we may change at any time, this would look something like:
do_patches() {
local netfile file all_sources ret=0
get_all_sources_for_arch 'all_sources'
for netfile in "${all_sources[@]}"; do
file=$(get_filename "$netfile")
if [[ $file = *.patch ]]; then
msg2 "Automatically applying patch '$file'..."
patch -p1 -i "$srcdir/$file" || ret=1
if (( ret != 0 )); then
error "Failed to automatically apply $file, make sure it is formatted in 'patch -p1' format."
return 1
Note: This would mean makepkg would forbid patches that aren't in -p1 format, and it would also need to support migration... this is just what you need to robustly support a PKGBUILD that we already assume is cooperating...
It's an helper to save me few time. I have to confess that I prefer have X static lines instead of copying twice the name of the patch to apply and add an echo.
I don't believe it takes 5 minutes to readers to understand what it does, and certainly not to someone like you, a « current major contributor to makepkg ».
We cannot expect our patch apply well. We may forget to add the patch line or miss one in a series. Most of the time I added a patch line which failed in the middle of other, I had to use extra echo lines to see which filename fails. So, helper or not, we need to read what happen in prepare().
This helper is far from perfect and my comment about the missing pacman feature doesn't means it should be added as is. It sucks. The feature, I was thinking of was support from makepkg to apply patches. Something like a patch prefix (patch+), like we do for vcs in the source array, which download patches (no matter how they end) and apply them (with error if not) before the prepare() function. The strip level could be a fragment (#1) like we do witch vcs.
I'm sorry I didn't get what you call support for migration.
> It's an helper to save me few time. I have to confess that I prefer have X static lines instead of copying twice the name of the patch to apply and add an echo.
$ do:() { local - PS4='+ '; set -x; "$@"; }
$ do: patch -p1 -i "$srcdir"/foo.patch
+ patch -p1 -i /build/bar/src/foo.patch
patching file lib/libbar/main.c
(Or even `local -; set -x` in the prepare function itself, to print *every* command as it's run.)
This sounds more generically like the motivation that sees people adding msg2 traces for every command they run in every single function...
> I'm sorry I didn't get what you call support for migration.
If it were added to makepkg itself, would be incompatible with PKGBUILDs that use an existing prepare() function that would try to apply the patch a second time.
A solution with sources+=(patch+https://allan.broke.it/patch?id=42#2) looks perfectly compatible with existing PKGBUILD. Are you still thinking it's a very very bad idea?
anyway, this is not the place for such a discussion. please bring this to the pacman mailinglist if we want to have a conversation about this.
Sure, it's not the place to discuss pacman features, we are just dreaming here.
Patches are all applied on the sources. As they are cherry-pick of security patches, would be nice to have extra review of the patch content.
Currently there is only one signoff.
He'll push a new version soon.
Side note, he accepted to co-maintain the package.
The patchset was a bit mixed up and weird, it contained hunks of other patches and it was totally in-transparent plus it actually undid CVE-2018-6952 which was applied before.
Therefor i just removed everything, used unchaged upstream patches where possible and just needed to change a single commit (that is in tree) and there only adjust 2 context lines in a single hunk so all patches are as upstream provides them.
Just please everyone take a look and test the version on my GH so we can finally build a version that has everything in place :)