FS#56359 - vtk-8.0.1-2 missing dependencies

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Antonio Cervone (capitalaslash) - Friday, 17 November 2017, 14:29 GMT
Last edited by Doug Newgard (Scimmia) - Friday, 17 November 2017, 15:21 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Extra
Status Closed
Assigned To No-one
Architecture All
Severity Low
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No



vtk 8 package has some missing dependencies.
namcap output:

vtk W: Referenced library 'libjawt.so' is an uninstalled dependency
vtk E: Dependency java-environment detected and not included (found class files usr/share/java/vtk/vtk.jar)
vtk W: Dependency tk detected but optional (libraries ['usr/lib/libtk.so'] needed in files ['usr/bin/vtk', 'usr/lib/libvtkRenderingTkTCL.so.1', 'usr/lib/libvtkRenderingPythonTkWidgets-8.0.so', 'usr/bin/pvtk'])
vtk W: Dependency libharu detected but optional (libraries ['usr/lib/libhpdf-2.3.0.so'] needed in files ['usr/lib/libvtkIOExport.so.1'])
vtk W: Dependency qt5-webkit detected but optional (libraries ['usr/lib/libQt5WebKit.so.5', 'usr/lib/libQt5WebKitWidgets.so.5'] needed in files ['usr/lib/libvtkGUISupportQtWebkit.so.1'])
vtk W: Dependency openmpi detected but optional (libraries ['usr/lib/openmpi/libmpi_cxx.so.20', 'usr/lib/openmpi/libmpi.so.20'] needed in files ['usr/bin/pvtkpython', 'usr/lib/libvtkFiltersParallelDIY2.so.1', 'usr/lib/libvtkParallelMPI.so.1', 'usr/lib/libvtkParallelMPI4Py.so.1', 'usr/lib/libvtkIOParallelNetCDF.so.1', 'usr/lib/libvtkRenderingParallelLIC.so.1', 'usr/bin/pvtk', 'usr/lib/libvtkIOMPIImage.so.1', 'usr/lib/libvtkIOMPIParallel.so.1'])
vtk W: Dependency qt5-x11extras detected but optional (libraries ['usr/lib/libQt5X11Extras.so.5'] needed in files ['usr/lib/libvtkGUISupportQt.so.1'])
vtk W: Dependency glew detected but optional (libraries ['usr/lib/libGLEW.so.2.1'] needed in files ['usr/lib/libvtkRenderingParallel.so.1', 'usr/lib/libvtkRenderingLICOpenGL2.so.1', 'usr/lib/libvtkRenderingContextOpenGL2.so.1', 'usr/lib/libvtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL2.so.1', 'usr/lib/libvtkRenderingOpenGL2.so.1'])
vtk W: Dependency gdal detected but optional (libraries ['usr/lib/libgdal.so.20'] needed in files ['usr/lib/libvtkIOGDAL.so.1'])
vtk W: Dependency ffmpeg detected but optional (libraries ['usr/lib/libavformat.so.57', 'usr/lib/libavcodec.so.57', 'usr/lib/libswscale.so.4', 'usr/lib/libavutil.so.55'] needed in files ['usr/lib/libvtkIOFFMPEG.so.1'])
vtk W: Dependency unixodbc detected but optional (libraries ['usr/lib/libodbc.so.2'] needed in files ['usr/lib/libvtkIOODBC.so.1'])
vtk W: Dependency jsoncpp detected but optional (libraries ['usr/lib/libjsoncpp.so.11'] needed in files ['usr/lib/libvtkIOParallel.so.1', 'usr/lib/libvtkIOGeoJSON.so.1'])

Additional info:
* package version(s): 8.0.1-2
* config and/or log files etc.: none

Steps to reproduce:

manually build the package and run namcap
This task depends upon

Closed by  Doug Newgard (Scimmia)
Friday, 17 November 2017, 15:21 GMT
Reason for closing:  Not a bug
Additional comments about closing:  Everything covered by optional deps
