FS#53770 - emptydirs runs too early
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Opened by Luke Shumaker (lukeshu) - Monday, 24 April 2017, 01:26 GMT
Last edited by Allan McRae (Allan) - Tuesday, 29 December 2020, 13:40 GMT
Opened by Luke Shumaker (lukeshu) - Monday, 24 April 2017, 01:26 GMT
Last edited by Allan McRae (Allan) - Tuesday, 29 December 2020, 13:40 GMT
Summary and Info:
The tidy_remove hooks are run in sorted-filename order. This means that, several other remove hooks are run after tidy_emptydirs (namely, tidy_libtools, tidy_purge, and tidy_staticlibs). Each of these may remove files, making a directory empty; and tidy_emptydirs would like to be able to remove them. Steps to Reproduce: Make the 'perl-mldbm' package from AUR. Note that despite the '!emptydirs' being included in options, that there are several empty directories under '/usr/lib'. This is because with the default PURGE_TARGETS value, tidy_purge wipes out every file that perl-mldbm places under '/usr/lib' ('.packlist', and '*.pod') The obvious solution would be to put "NN-" prefixes on the tidy hook filenames, and give emptydirs.sh a high NN. |
This task depends upon
An alternative solution would be to have e.g. tidy_remove_late() for hooks which depend on the actions of other hooks, and fit tidy_emptydirs() there instead.
I know Allan has been talking about "makepkg drop-ins", but I don't think anything about /usr/share/makepkg/tidy/ is documented. I don't see as much of a problem changing an undocumented interface.
I also agree with Anton. I'd be very surprised if there are any locales that sort Arabic numerals differently (I'm figuring out how to parse /usr/share/i18n/locales/ to verify that). And even if there are, just save/restore LC_COLLATE and LC_ALL around the "$LIBRARY/tidy/"*.sh glob.
The problem with just doing undocumented fixes for this is that future refactoring might accidentally break it because it's not obvious that it matters. I'm not worried about *breaking* an interface (that is already broken).
If everything else is "10-" and emptydirs is "99-", that's a good hint that "maybe this needs to run later". Even more so if you add a comment saying "this must run late because other tidy_remove hooks might remove files making a directory empty".
- tidy_remove+=('tidy_emptydirs')
+ tidy_modify+=('tidy_emptydirs')
Since modify rules are run after remove rules - emptydirs will run after all remove rules are run.
We can add a comment in code stating that emptydirs is added in modify rules to make sure it runs after all remove rules.