FS#47399 - [plasma-desktop] left mouse click on taskbar is randomly not detected

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by patrick (potomac) - Wednesday, 16 December 2015, 01:06 GMT
Last edited by Antonio Rojas (arojas) - Wednesday, 16 December 2015, 07:16 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Extra
Status Closed
Assigned To Antonio Rojas (arojas)
Felix Yan (felixonmars)
Architecture All
Severity Medium
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 2
Private No


since plasma 5.5.1-1 packages I notice a bug :

- sometimes the left mouse click is not detected when I click on the plasma taskbar ( kickoff, K menu ), for example if firefox is minimized on the taskbar then sometimes a mouse click for restoring the firefox window doesn't work, I have to do this mouse click twice in order to restore the window,

this bug doesn't occur with plasma 5.5.0,

I can reproduce this bug on my PC ( archlinux 64 bits ) and on a qemu virtual machine i686,

this bug occurs randomly ( you have to test at least 10 times in order to trigger the bug, for example 3 windows opened or minimized, then try to click on the taskbar in order to minimize/restore on of these 3 windows, you will notice that sometimes the mouse click is not detected by plasma 5.5.1 )

Additional info:
* package version(s) plasma 5.5.1-1 packages
* config and/or log files etc.

Steps to reproduce:
- update to plasma 5.5.1-1 packages
- sometimes when you want to minimize or restore a window ( firefox, thunderbird, dolphin for example ) the plasma taskbar doesn't detect the left mouse click
- this bug doesn't occur with the previous versions of plasma ( for example 5.5.0 )
This task depends upon

Closed by  Antonio Rojas (arojas)
Wednesday, 16 December 2015, 07:16 GMT
Reason for closing:  Fixed
Additional comments about closing:  plasma-workspace 5.5.1-4
Comment by Doug Newgard (Scimmia) - Wednesday, 16 December 2015, 03:16 GMT
Have you reported this upstream? I've noticed it as well.
Comment by patrick (potomac) - Wednesday, 16 December 2015, 03:34 GMT
yes I created a bug report :

Comment by Antonio Rojas (arojas) - Wednesday, 16 December 2015, 07:02 GMT
This was supposed to be fixed in 5.5.1. There's some weirdness going on with the 5.5.1 source, it's missing some other commits too.
