FS#41206 - Iced-tea-web7 display bug

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by martinet (martinet) - Tuesday, 15 July 2014, 07:59 GMT
Last edited by Doug Newgard (Scimmia) - Tuesday, 15 July 2014, 13:57 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Extra
Status Closed
Assigned To No-one
Architecture All
Severity Medium
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No


The iced tea plugin does not display the text in any window/dialog.
Here is the first window normally asking the user if he really wants to execute the application or not.

Additional info:
package which most likely is the source of the problem:
iced-tea-web7 1.5-1

package to which the problem could be related to:
libxfcegui4 4.10.0-2

Bug happening on an HP EliteBook 840
with following packages installed:
a52dec 0.7.4-8
aalib 1.4rc5-10
acl 2.2.52-2
acpid 2.0.22-1
adept-runtime-xilinx 2.13.1-3
adlmflexnetclient 7.0.51-1
adlmflexnetserver 7.0.51-1
adwaita-manjaro-themes 20140423-1
alsa-firmware 1.0.28-1
alsa-lib 1.0.28-1
alsa-plugins 1.0.28-1
alsa-utils 1.0.28-1
apr 1.5.1-1
apr-util 1.5.3-4
archlinux-keyring 20140220-1
arj 3.10.22-8
at-spi2-atk 2.12.1-1
at-spi2-core 2.12.0-1
atk 2.12.0-1
atkmm 2.22.7-1
attr 2.4.47-1
autoconf 2.69-2
automake 1.14.1-1
avahi 0.6.31-12
b43-fwcutter 018-1
babl 0.1.10-2
bash 4.3.018-3
bc 1.06.95-1
bigreqsproto 1.1.2-2
binutils 2.24-6
bison 3.0.2-1
bluez 5.21-1
boost 1.55.0-6
boost-libs 1.55.0-6
bsdiff 4.3-8
btrfs-progs 3.14.2-2
bzip2 1.0.6-5
ca-certificates 20140325-1
ca-certificates-java 20140324-2
cairo 1.12.16-2
cairomm 1.10.0-3
cantarell-fonts 0.0.15-1
catfish 1.0.2-1
cdparanoia 10.2-5
celt 0.11.3-2
chromaprint 1.1-1
cifs-utils 6.3-2
cloog 0.18.1-3
cmake 3.0.0-3
colord 1.2.0-1
compositeproto 0.4.2-3
coreutils 8.22-4
cpp-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf-bin 4.8.2-1
cpupower 3.14-3
cracklib 2.9.0-2
cronie 1.4.11-2
cryptsetup 1.6.4-1
cups 1.7.3-4
cups-filters 1.0.54-1
cups-pdf 2.6.1-2
cups-pk-helper 0.2.5-1
curl 7.37.0-1
damageproto 1.2.1-3
db 5.3.28-1
dbus 1.8.4-1
dbus-glib 0.102-1
dconf 0.20.0-1
desktop-file-utils 0.22-1
device-mapper 2.02.106-2
dhclient 4.3.0-1
dhcpcd 6.4.0-1
dialog 1:1.2_20140219-1
diffutils 3.3-1
dirmngr 1.1.1-2
dmidecode 2.12-2
dmraid 1.0.0.rc16.3-10
dmxproto 2.3.1-3
dnsmasq 2.71-1
dnssec-anchors 20140629-1
dosfstools 3.0.26-1
dri2proto 2.8-2
e2fsprogs 1.42.10-1
ecryptfs-utils 103-2
efibootmgr 0.7.0-1
efivar 0.10-1
elfutils 0.158-3
enca 1.15-1
encfs 1.7.4-12
enchant 1.6.0-5
ethtool 1:3.13-1
evince 3.12.1-1
exiv2 0.24-1
exo 0.10.2-2
expat 2.1.0-3
faac 1.28-5
faad2 2.7-4
faenza-green-icon-theme 2010.11.20-1
faenza-icon-theme 1.3.1-4
fakeroot 1.20-1
farstream-0.1 0.1.2-4
ffmpeg 1:2.2.4-2
ffmpegthumbnailer 2.0.8-5
fftw 3.3.4-1
file 5.19-1
file-roller 3.12.2-1
filesystem 2014.06-2
findutils 4.4.2-6
firefox 30.0-1
fixesproto 5.0-3
flac 1.3.0-3
flex 2.5.39-1
fluidsynth 1.1.6-2
fontconfig 2.11.1-1
fontsproto 2.1.3-1
foomatic-db 3:20140324-1
foomatic-db-engine 3:20140324-1
foomatic-db-nonfree 3:20140324-1
freetype2 2.5.3-2
fribidi 0.19.6-1
fuse 2.9.3-2
fxload 2008_10_13-6
galculator 2.1.3-3
garcon 0.3.0-1
gawk 4.1.1-1
gc 7.4.2-1
gcc 4.9.0-5
gcc-libs 4.9.0-5
gconf 3.2.6-3
gcr 3.12.2-1
gd 2.1.0-2
gdbm 1.11-1
gdk-pixbuf2 2.30.8-1
gedit 3.12.2-1
gegl 0.2.0-11
geoclue 0.12.99-2
geoclue2 2.1.8-2
gettext 0.19.1-1
ghostscript 9.14-1
giflib 5.1.0-1
gimp 2.8.10-1
git 2.0.1-1
gksu 2.0.2-5
glamor-egl 0.6.0-1
glew 1.10.0-2
glib-networking 2.40.1-1
glib2 2.40.0-1
glibc 2.19-5
glibmm 2.40.0-1
glproto 1.4.17-1
glu 9.0.0-3
gmp 6.0.0-1
gnome-bluetooth 3.12.0-1
gnome-icon-theme 3.12.0-2
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic 3.12.0-2
gnome-keyring 3.12.2-1
gnome-menus 3.10.1-2
gnome-mime-data 2.18.0-7
gnome-themes-standard 3.12.0-1
gnome-vfs 2.24.4-8
gnupg 2.0.25-1
gnuplot 4.6.5-1
gnutls 3.3.5-1
gobject-introspection 1.40.0-1
gparted 0.19.0-1
gperf 3.0.4-4
gpgme 1.5.0-1
gpm 1.20.7-4
gptfdisk 0.8.10-1
graphite 1:1.2.4-1
graphviz 2.36.0-3
grep 2.20-1
groff 1.22.2-6
grub 2.02.beta2-6
gsettings-desktop-schemas 3.12.2-1
gsfonts 1.0.7pre44-4
gsm 1.0.13-7
gst-libav 1.2.4-2
gst-plugins-bad 1.2.4-1
gst-plugins-base 1.2.4-1
gst-plugins-base-libs 1.2.4-1
gst-plugins-good 1.2.4-1
gst-plugins-ugly 1.2.4-1
gstreamer 1.2.4-1
gstreamer0.10 0.10.36-4
gstreamer0.10-bad 0.10.23-8
gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins 0.10.23-8
gstreamer0.10-base 0.10.36-3
gstreamer0.10-base-plugins 0.10.36-3
gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg 0.10.13-2
gstreamer0.10-good 0.10.31-6
gstreamer0.10-good-plugins 0.10.31-6
gstreamer0.10-ugly 0.10.19-11
gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins 0.10.19-11
gtk-engine-murrine 0.98.2-2
gtk-engines 2.21.0-2
gtk-update-icon-cache 2.24.24-1
gtk2 2.24.24-1
gtk2-xfce-engine 3.0.1-2
gtk3 3.12.2-1
gtk3-xfce-engine 3.0.1-2
gtkmm 2.24.4-1
gtkmm3 3.12.0-1
gtksourceview3 3.12.2-1
gtkspell 2.0.16-3
gts 0.7.6-3
gufw 14.04.1-1
guile 2.0.11-1
gummiboot 45-1
gutenprint 5.2.10-1
gvfs 1.20.2-1
gvfs-afc 1.20.2-1
gvfs-afp 1.20.2-1
gvfs-gphoto2 1.20.2-1
gvfs-mtp 1.20.2-1
gvfs-smb 1.20.2-1
gzip 1.6-1
harfbuzz 0.9.29-1
harfbuzz-icu 0.9.29-1
haveged 1.9.1-1
hdparm 9.43-2
hexchat 2.10.0-2
hicolor-icon-theme 0.13-1
hplip 3.14.6-1
hspell 1.2-2
hunspell 1.3.3-1
hwids 20140602-1
hyphen 2.8.7-2
iana-etc 2.30-4
icedtea-web-java7 1.5-1
icon-naming-utils 0.8.90-3
icu 53.1-1
ilmbase 2.1.0-1
imlib2 1.4.6-2
inetutils 1.9.2-1
inputproto 2.3.1-1
intel-dri 10.2.2-1
intel-ucode 20140430-1
inxi 2.1.28-1
iproute2 3.14.0-1
iptables 1.4.21-1
iputils 20121221-3
ipw2100-fw 1.3-7
ipw2200-fw 3.1-5
isl 0.13-1
iso-codes 3.52-1
jack 0.124.1-1
jasper 1.900.1-10
jfsutils 1.1.15-4
jre7-openjdk 7.u60_2.5.0-2
jre7-openjdk-headless 7.u60_2.5.0-2
js 24.2.0-1
js17 17.0.0-1
json-c 0.12-2
json-glib 1.0.2-1
kbd 2.0.1-1
kbproto 1.0.6-2
keyboardctl 0.1.5-2
keyutils 1.5.9-1
kmod 18-1
krb5 1.12.1-1
ladspa 1.13-5
lame 3.99.5-2
laptop-mode-tools 1.64-1
lcms 1.19-5
lcms2 2.6-1
ld-lsb 3-7
ldb 1.1.16-1
ldns 1.6.17-1
less 458-1
lib32-alsa-lib 1.0.28-1
lib32-alsa-plugins 1.0.28-1
lib32-atk 2.12.0-1
lib32-attr 2.4.47-1
lib32-bzip2 1.0.6-2
lib32-cairo 1.12.16-1
lib32-e2fsprogs 1.42.10-1
lib32-elfutils 0.158-2
lib32-expat 2.1.0-1
lib32-flac 1.3.0-1
lib32-fontconfig 2.11.1-1
lib32-freetype2 2.5.3-1
lib32-gcc-libs 4.9.0-5
lib32-gdk-pixbuf2 2.30.8-1
lib32-glew 1.10.0-1
lib32-glib2 2.40.0-1
lib32-glibc 2.19-5
lib32-glu 9.0.0-2
lib32-gtk2 2.24.24-1
lib32-harfbuzz 0.9.29-1
lib32-icu 53.1-1
lib32-intel-dri 10.2.2-1
lib32-json-c 0.12-1
lib32-keyutils 1.5.9-1
lib32-krb5 1.12.1-1
lib32-libasyncns 0.8-7
lib32-libcanberra 0.30-4
lib32-libcanberra-pulse 0.30-4
lib32-libcap 2.24-1
lib32-libcups 1.7.3-1
lib32-libdbus 1.8.4-1
lib32-libdrm 2.4.54-1
lib32-libffi 3.1-1
lib32-libgcrypt 1.6.1-1
lib32-libgpg-error 1.13-1
lib32-libice 1.0.9-1
lib32-libidn 1.28-1
lib32-libjpeg-turbo 1.3.1-1
lib32-libldap 2.4.39-1
lib32-libltdl 2.4.2-13
lib32-libogg 1.3.1-1
lib32-libpciaccess 0.13.2-1
lib32-libpng 1.6.12-1
lib32-libpulse 5.0-1
lib32-libsm 1.2.2-1
lib32-libsndfile 1.0.25-3
lib32-libtiff 4.0.3-2
lib32-libtxc_dxtn 1.0.1-5
lib32-libvdpau 0.8-1
lib32-libvorbis 1.3.4-1
lib32-libx11 1.6.2-1
lib32-libxau 1.0.8-1
lib32-libxcb 1.10-2
lib32-libxcomposite 0.4.4-1
lib32-libxcursor 1.1.14-1
lib32-libxdamage 1.1.4-1
lib32-libxdmcp 1.1.1-1
lib32-libxext 1.3.2-1
lib32-libxfixes 5.0.1-1
lib32-libxft 2.3.2-1
lib32-libxi 1.7.2-1
lib32-libxinerama 1.1.3-1
lib32-libxml2 2.9.1-1
lib32-libxmu 1.1.2-1
lib32-libxrandr 1.4.2-1
lib32-libxrender 0.9.8-1
lib32-libxshmfence 1.1-1
lib32-libxt 1.1.4-1
lib32-libxtst 1.2.2-1
lib32-libxxf86vm 1.1.3-1
lib32-llvm-libs 3.4.2-1
lib32-mesa 10.2.2-1
lib32-mesa-demos 8.1.0-3
lib32-ncurses 5.9-2
lib32-openssl 1.0.1.h-1
lib32-pango 1.36.5-1
lib32-pangox-compat 0.0.2-1
lib32-pcre 8.35-1
lib32-pixman 0.32.4-1
lib32-readline 6.3.006-1
lib32-systemd 214-1
lib32-tdb 1.2.12-1
lib32-util-linux 2.24.2-1
lib32-wayland 1.4.0-1
lib32-xz 5.0.5-1
lib32-zlib 1.2.8-1
libarchive 3.1.2-6
libart-lgpl 2.3.21-3
libass 0.11.2-1
libassuan 2.1.1-1
libasyncns 0.8-5
libatasmart 0.19-3
libatomic_ops 7.4.2-1
libavc1394 0.5.4-2
libbluray 0.5.0-1
libbsd 0.6.0-2
libburn 1.3.8-1
libcaca 0.99.beta18-2
libcanberra 0.30-4
libcanberra-pulse 0.30-4
libcap 2.24-1
libcap-ng 0.7.4-1
libcdaudio 0.99.12-7
libcddb 1.3.2-4
libcdio 0.92-1
libcdio-paranoia 10.2+0.90+1-2
libcdr 0.1.0-1
libcroco 0.6.8-2
libcups 1.7.3-4
libdaemon 0.14-3
libdatrie 0.2.6-1
libdbus 1.8.4-1
libdc1394 2.2.1-2
libdca 0.0.5-4
libdmx 1.1.3-1
libdnet 1.12-8
libdrm 2.4.54-1
libdv 1.0.0-6
libdvbpsi 1:1.1.2-1
libdvdcss 1.2.13-3
libdvdnav 4.2.1-1
libdvdread 4.9.9-1
libebml 1.3.0-2
libedit 20140213_3.1-1
libetonyek 0.1.1-1
libevdev 1.2.2-1
libevent 2.0.21-3
libexif 0.6.21-2
libffi 3.1-2
libfontenc 1.1.2-1
libfplll 4.0.4-1
libftd2xx-digilent 1.0.4-1
libgcrypt 1.6.1-1
libgksu 2.0.12-6
libglade 2.6.4-5
libgme 0.6.0-3
libgnome-keyring 3.12.0-1
libgnomecanvas 2.30.3-3
libgpg-error 1.13-1
libgphoto2 2.5.4-1
libgssglue 0.4-2
libgtop 2.30.0-1
libgusb 0.1.6-1
libgxps 0.2.2-3
libical 1.0-3
libice 1.0.9-1
libid3tag 0.15.1b-8
libidn 1.28-2
libiec61883 1.2.0-4
libimobiledevice 1.1.6-1
libisofs 1.3.8-1
libjpeg-turbo 1.3.1-1
libkate 0.4.1-4
libksba 1.3.0-1
libldap 2.4.39-1
liblrdf 0.5.0-2
libltdl 2.4.2-13
libmad 0.15.1b-7
libmatroska 1.4.1-1
libmbim 1.8.0-1
libmm-glib 1.2.0-4
libmms 0.6.4-1
libmng 2.0.2-3
libmp4v2 2.0.0-3
libmpc 1.0.2-2
libmpcdec 1.2.6-4
libmpd 11.8.17-2
libmpeg2 0.5.1-5
libmspub 0.1.1-1
libmtp 1.1.6-6
libnice 0.1.4-1
libnl 3.2.24-1
libnotify 0.7.6-1
libodfgen 0.1.1-1
libofa 0.9.3-5
libogg 1.3.1-2
libpaper 1.1.24-7
libpcap 1.5.3-1
libpciaccess 0.13.2-2
libpeas 1.10.0-1
libpipeline 1.3.0-1
libplist 1.11-1
libpng 1.6.12-1
libproxy 0.4.11-4
libpulse 5.0-1
libpurple 2.10.9-2
libqmi 1.10.0-1
libraw1394 2.1.0-2
libreoffice-calc 4.2.5-1
libreoffice-common 4.2.5-1
libreoffice-en-US 4.2.5-1
libreoffice-gnome 4.2.5-1
libreoffice-impress 4.2.5-1
libreoffice-math 4.2.5-1
libreoffice-writer 4.2.5-1
librevenge 0.0.1-2
librpcsecgss 0.19-8
librsvg 1:2.40.2-1
libsamplerate 0.1.8-3
libsasl 2.1.26-7
libseccomp 2.1.1-1
libsecret 0.18-1
libsexy 0.1.11-5
libshout 1:2.3.1-2
libsidplay 1.36.59-6
libsigc++ 2.3.1-2
libsigsegv 2.10-2
libsm 1.2.2-2
libsndfile 1.0.25-3
libsoup 2.46.0-1
libspectre 0.2.7-2
libspiro 1:0.2-1
libsrtp 15.1c9bd90-3
libssh2 1.4.3-2
libsystemd 214-2
libtaginfo 0.2.1-1
libtar 1.2.20-1
libtasn1 3.6-1
libthai 0.1.19-1
libtheora 1.1.1-3
libtiff 4.0.3-4
libtiger 0.3.4-4
libtimezonemap 0.4.0-1
libtirpc 0.2.4-1
libtool 2.4.2-13
libtxc_dxtn 1.0.1-5
libunique 1.1.6-6
libunistring 0.9.3-6
libupnp 1.6.19-1
libusb 1.0.19-1
libusbmuxd 1.0.9-1
libutil-linux 2.24.2-1
libva 1.3.1-2
libvdpau 0.8-1
libvisio 0.1.0-1
libvisual 0.4.0-5
libvorbis 1.3.4-1
libvpx 1.3.0-1
libwbclient 4.1.9-1
libwebp 0.4.0-2
libwnck 2.30.7-2
libwpd 0.10.0-1
libwpg 0.3.0-1
libwps 0.3.0-1
libx11 1.6.2-2
libx264 1:142.20140311-4
libxau 1.0.8-2
libxaw 1.0.12-1
libxcb 1.10-2
libxcomposite 0.4.4-2
libxcursor 1.1.14-2
libxdamage 1.1.4-2
libxdmcp 1.1.1-2
libxext 1.3.2-1
libxfce4ui 4.11.1-1
libxfce4util 4.11.0-1
libxfcegui4 4.10.0-2
libxfixes 5.0.1-1
libxfont 1.4.7-3
libxft 2.3.2-1
libxi 1.7.2-1
libxinerama 1.1.3-2
libxkbcommon 0.4.2-1
libxkbfile 1.0.8-2
libxklavier 5.4-1
libxml2 2.9.1-5
libxmu 1.1.2-1
libxpm 3.5.11-1
libxrandr 1.4.2-2
libxrender 0.9.8-1
libxres 1.0.7-1
libxshmfence 1.1-1
libxslt 1.1.28-3
libxss 1.2.2-2
libxt 1.1.4-1
libxtst 1.2.2-1
libxv 1.0.10-1
libxvmc 1.0.8-1
libxxf86dga 1.1.4-1
libxxf86vm 1.1.3-1
licenses 20140629-1
linux-api-headers 3.14.1-1
linux-firmware 20140603.a4f3bc0-1
linux-manpages 3.14-1
linux310 3.10.46-1
linux310-ndiswrapper 1.59-9
llvm 3.4.2-1
llvm-libs 3.4.2-1
lm_sensors 3.3.5-1
locale-info 2.19-1
logrotate 3.8.7-3
lsb-release 1.4-12
lsof 4.87-2
lua 5.2.3-1
lvm2 2.02.106-2
lxpolkit 0.1.0-3
lynx 2.8.8-1
lz4 119-1
lzo2 2.08-1
lzop 1.03-3
m4 1.4.17-1
make 4.0-2
makeself 2.2.0-3
man-pages 3.69-1
manjaro-alsa 2012.11-1
manjaro-artwork 1.0.8-1
manjaro-firmware 0.3-1
manjaro-hotfixes 2013.03-1
manjaro-keyring 20140411-1
manjaro-printer 2013.05-1
manjaro-pulse 2012.11-1
manjaro-release 0.8.10-1
manjaro-settings-manager 0.1.5-3
manjaro-system 20140523-2
manjaro-welcome 0.8.10-1
mcpp 2.7.2-5
mdadm 3.3.1-2
mdm 1.6.9-1
mdm-themes 0.1.6-1
memtest86+ 5.01-1
menulibre 1:2.0-2
mesa 10.2.2-1
mesa-demos 8.1.0-2
mhwd 0.4.1-2
mhwd-catalyst 14.10.1006.1001-1
mhwd-db 0.4.1-1
mhwd-nvidia 331.89-1
mhwd-nvidia-legacy 304.121-1
mime-types 9-1
mjpegtools 2.1.0-1
mkinitcpio 17-1
mkinitcpio-busybox 1.21.1-2
mkinitcpio-nfs-utils 0.3-4
mlocate 0.26-3
mobile-broadband-provider-info 20120614-2
modemmanager 1.2.0-4
mozilla-common 1.4-4
mpfi 1.5-1
mpfr 3.1.2.p8-1
mpg123 1.20.0-1
mtdev 1.1.5-1
musicbrainz 2.1.5-6
namcap 3.2.5-2
nano 2.2.6-3
nbd 3.8-1
ncurses 5.9-6
ndiswrapper-utils 1.59-1
neon 0.30.0-1
net-tools 1.60.20130531git-1
netctl 1.8-1
netkit-bsd-finger 0.17-8
nettle 2.7.1-1
networkmanager-dispatcher-ntpd 1.0-6
nfs-utils 1.3.0-3
nfsidmap 0.25-2
nilfs-utils 2.2.0-1
nspr 4.10.6-1
nss 3.16.1-1
ntfs-3g 2014.2.15-1
ntp 4.2.7.p446-1
openconnect 1:5.03-1
opencore-amr 0.1.3-2
openexr 2.1.0-1
openjpeg 1.5.2-1
openresolv 3.5.6-1
openssh 6.6p1-2
openssl 1.0.1.h-1
openvpn 2.3.4-1
opus 1.1-1
orage 4.10.0-1
orc 0.4.19-1
os-prober 1.63-1
p11-kit 0.20.2-1
p7zip 9.20.1-9
pa-applet 1.0.2-1
package-query 1.4-1
pacman 4.1.2-6
pacman-mirrorlist 20140528-1
pam 1.1.8-5
pamac 0.9.8-3
pambase 20130928-1
pango 1.36.5-1
pangomm 2.34.0-1
pangox-compat 0.0.2-2
parted 3.1-4
patch 2.7.1-2
pavucontrol 2.0-2
pciutils 3.2.1-1
pcmciautils 018-7
pcre 8.35-1
perl 5.20.0-5
perl-encode-locale 1.03-2
perl-error 0.17022-1
perl-file-listing 6.04-2
perl-file-which 1.09-4
perl-html-parser 3.71-3
perl-html-tagset 3.20-4
perl-http-cookies 6.01-2
perl-http-daemon 6.01-2
perl-http-date 6.02-2
perl-http-message 6.06-2
perl-http-negotiate 6.01-2
perl-libwww 6.06-1
perl-lwp-mediatypes 6.02-2
perl-net-http 6.06-2
perl-uri 1.61-1
perl-www-robotrules 6.02-2
perl-xml-parser 2.41-5
perl-xml-simple 2.20-2
pidgin 2.10.9-2
pinentry 0.8.3-1
pixman 0.32.4-1
pkg-config 0.28-2
polkit 0.112-2
polkit-gnome 0.105-2
poppler 0.26.2-1
poppler-glib 0.26.2-1
popt 1.16-7
ppp 2.4.6-2
pptpclient 1.8.0-2
prebootloader 20130206-2
procps-ng 3.3.9-3
psmisc 22.21-2
pth 2.0.7-5
pulseaudio 5.0-1
pulseaudio-alsa 2-3
pulseaudio-ctl 1.33-2
pv 1.5.3-1
py3parted 0.1-2
pygobject-devel 3.12.2-1
pygobject2-devel 2.28.6-10
pygtk 2.24.0-4
pyqt4-common 4.11.1-1
python 3.4.1-1
python-cairo 1.10.0-4
python-configobj 5.0.5-1
python-dbus 1.2.0-3
python-dbus-common 1.2.0-3
python-gobject 3.12.2-1
python-psutil 2.1.1-1
python-pyelftools 0.21-2
python-requests 2.3.0-1
python-simplejson 3.4.0-1
python-six 1.7.3-1
python2 2.7.8-1
python2-beaker 1.6.4-2
python2-cairo 1.10.0-2
python2-dbus 1.2.0-3
python2-gobject 3.12.2-1
python2-gobject2 2.28.6-10
python2-mako 1.0.0-1
python2-markupsafe 0.23-1
python2-netifaces 0.10.4-1
python2-notify 0.1.1-13
python2-pexpect 3.2-1
python2-pycups 1.9.66-2
python2-pyqt4 4.11.1-1
python2-sip 4.16.2-1
python2-xdg 0.25-2
pywebkitgtk 1.1.8-3
qpdf 5.1.2-1
qrencode 3.4.3-1
qt4 4.8.6-1
qtwebkit 2.3.3-1
randrproto 1.4.0-2
raptor 2.0.13-2
rasqal 1:0.9.32-1
readline 6.3.006-1
recode 3.6-8
recordproto 1.14.2-2
redland 1:1.0.17-2
refind-efi 0.8.2-1
reiserfsprogs 3.6.24-1
renderproto 0.11.1-3
resourceproto 1.2.0-3
rlog 1.4-4
rpcbind 0.2.1-5
rpmextract 1.0-6
rsync 3.1.1-2
rtkit 0.11-4
rtmpdump 20131205-1
run-parts 4.4-1
s-nail 14.7.1-1
sbc 1.2-1
schroedinger 1.0.11-2
screen 4.2.1-2
scrnsaverproto 1.2.2-2
sdl 1.2.15-6
sdl_image 1.2.12-3
sdparm 1.08-1
sed 4.2.2-3
serf 1.3.6-1
sg3_utils 1.39-1
shadow 4.2.1-1
shared-mime-info 1.3-1
sip 4.16.2-1
smbclient 4.1.9-1
sollya 4.1-1
sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8-2
soundtouch 1.8.0-1
spandsp 0.0.6pre21-2
speex 1.2rc1-4
splix 2.0.0-12
sqlite 3.8.5-1
squashfs-tools 4.3-2
startup-notification 0.12-4
subversion 1.8.9-2
sudo 1.8.10.p3-1
sysfsutils 2.1.0-9
syslinux4 4.07-1
system-config-printer 1.4.4-1
systemd 214-2
systemd-sysvcompat 214-2
t1lib 5.1.2-5
taglib 1.9.1-1
talloc 2.1.1-1
tar 1.27.1-1
tcl 8.6.1-1
tcpdump 4.5.1-1
tdb 1.2.12-1
terminus-font 4.39-1
testdisk 6.14-2
tevent 0.9.21-3
texinfo 5.2-2
texlive-bibtexextra 2013.33039-1
texlive-bin 2013.30973-10
texlive-core 2013.33063-1
texlive-fontsextra 2013.33010-1
texlive-formatsextra 2013.31958-1
texlive-games 2013.32919-1
texlive-genericextra 2013.32809-1
texlive-htmlxml 2013.33024-1
texlive-humanities 2013.33061-1
texlive-langcjk 2013.32895-1
texlive-langcyrillic 2013.32509-1
texlive-langextra 2013.32796-1
texlive-langgreek 2013.32527-1
texlive-latexextra 2013.33063-1
texlive-music 2013.32525-1
texlive-pictures 2013.33045-1
texlive-plainextra 2013.32911-1
texlive-pstricks 2013.33056-1
texlive-publishers 2013.33042-1
texlive-science 2013.32850-1
thunar 1.6.3-1
thunar-archive-plugin 0.3.1-4
thunar-media-tags-plugin 0.2.1-1
thunar-volman 0.8.0-2
thunderbird 24.6.0-1
tor-browser-de 3.6.2-1
ttf-aboriginal-sans 9.606-1
ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-10
ttf-dejavu 2.34-1
ttf-inconsolata 20090215-4
ttf-indic-otf 0.2-7
ttf-khmer 5.0-4
ttf-liberation 2.00.1-4
ttf-lohit-fonts 2.5.3-1
ttf-myanmar3 20110120-1
ttf-source-sans-pro 1.033-2
ttf-thaana-fonts 1.0-1
ttf-tlwg 0.5.1-1
tumbler 0.1.30-1
tzdata 2014e-1
udisks 1.0.5-1
udisks2 2.1.3-1
ufw 0.33-3
unixodbc 2.3.2-1
unrar 1:5.1.6-1
unzip 6.0-7
upower 0.99.0-2
uriparser 0.8.0-1
usb_modeswitch 2.2.0-1
usbdrv 1-1
usbmuxd 1.0.9-1
usbutils 007-1
util-linux 2.24.2-1
v4l-utils 1.0.1-1
v86d 0.1.10-5
vi 1:050325-4
videoproto 2.3.2-1
viewnior 1.4-2
vim 7.4.335-4
vim-runtime 7.4.335-4
vlc 2.1.4-2
vpnc 0.5.3.svn527-2
vte 0.28.2-4
vte-common 0.36.3-1
wavpack 4.70.0-2
wayland 1.4.0-1
webkitgtk 2.4.3-2
webkitgtk2 2.4.3-2
webrtc-audio-processing 0.1-2
wget 1.15-1
which 2.20-6
wildmidi 0.3.6-1
wireless_tools 30.pre9-1
wpa_actiond 1.4-2
wpa_supplicant 2.1-3
x264 1:142.20140311-4
x265 1.1-1
xcb-proto 1.10-2
xcb-util 0.3.9-2
xcb-util-keysyms 0.3.9-1
xcmiscproto 1.2.2-2
xcursor-simpleandsoft 0.2-7
xcursor-vanilla-dmz-aa 0.4.4-1
xdg-user-dirs 0.15-1
xdg-utils 1.1.0.git20140426-1
xextproto 7.3.0-1
xf86-input-acecad 1.5.0-7
xf86-input-aiptek 1.4.1-7
xf86-input-evdev 2.9.0-1
xf86-input-joystick 1.6.2-3
xf86-input-keyboard 1.8.0-2
xf86-input-mouse 1.9.0-2
xf86-input-synaptics 1.8.0-1
xf86-input-void 1.4.0-6
xf86-input-wacom 0.25.0-1
xf86-video-intel 2.99.912-1
xf86dgaproto 2.1-3
xf86driproto 2.1.1-3
xf86vidmodeproto 2.3.1-3
xfburn 0.5.2-1
xfce4-appfinder 4.11.0-2
xfce4-artwork 0.1.1a_git20110420-3
xfce4-battery-plugin 1.0.5-2
xfce4-clipman-plugin 1.2.6-1
xfce4-cpufreq-plugin 1.1.0-1
xfce4-cpugraph-plugin 1.0.5-2
xfce4-dict 0.7.0-1
xfce4-diskperf-plugin 2.5.4-2
xfce4-fsguard-plugin 1.0.1-2
xfce4-genmon-plugin 3.4.0-2
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin 1.2.0-2
xfce4-mixer 4.10.0-2
xfce4-mount-plugin 0.6.7-1
xfce4-mpc-plugin 0.4.4-2
xfce4-netload-plugin 1.2.0-2
xfce4-notes-plugin 1.7.7-5
xfce4-notifyd 0.2.4-1
xfce4-panel 4.11.1-1
xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin 1.9.4-8
xfce4-screenshooter 1.8.1-2
xfce4-sensors-plugin 1.2.5-2
xfce4-session 4.11.0-1
xfce4-settings 4.11.2-2
xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin 0.4.5-2
xfce4-systemload-plugin 1.1.1-2
xfce4-taskmanager 1.0.1-1
xfce4-terminal 0.6.3-1
xfce4-time-out-plugin 1.0.1-3
xfce4-timer-plugin 1.6.0-1
xfce4-verve-plugin 1.0.0-4
xfce4-wavelan-plugin 0.5.11-2
xfce4-weather-plugin 0.8.3-4
xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin 1.3.2-4
xfce4-xkb-plugin 0.5.6-1
xfconf 4.10.0-4
xfdesktop 4.11.6-2
xfsprogs 3.2.0-1
xfwm4 4.11.1-3
xfwm4-themes 4.10.0-2
xineramaproto 1.2.1-3
xinetd 2.3.15-4
xkeyboard-config 2.12-1
xnoise 0.2.21-2
xorg-appres 1.0.4-1
xorg-bdftopcf 1.0.4-2
xorg-font-util 1.3.0-2
xorg-font-utils 7.6-4
xorg-fonts-alias 1.0.3-1
xorg-fonts-encodings 1.0.4-4
xorg-fonts-misc 1.0.1-3
xorg-iceauth 1.0.6-1
xorg-mkfontdir 1.0.7-2
xorg-mkfontscale 1.1.1-1
xorg-server 1.15.2-1
xorg-server-common 1.15.2-1
xorg-server-utils 7.6-4
xorg-sessreg 1.0.8-2
xorg-setxkbmap 1.3.0-2
xorg-twm 1.0.8-1
xorg-util-macros 1.19.0-1
xorg-utils 7.6-9
xorg-xauth 1.0.9-1
xorg-xbacklight 1.2.1-1
xorg-xcmsdb 1.0.4-2
xorg-xdpyinfo 1.3.1-1
xorg-xdriinfo 1.0.4-3
xorg-xev 1.2.1-2
xorg-xgamma 1.0.5-2
xorg-xhost 1.0.6-1
xorg-xinit 1.3.3-3
xorg-xinput 1.6.1-1
xorg-xkbcomp 1.2.4-1
xorg-xlsatoms 1.1.1-2
xorg-xlsclients 1.1.3-1
xorg-xmodmap 1.0.8-1
xorg-xprop 1.2.2-1
xorg-xrandr 1.4.2-1
xorg-xrdb 1.1.0-1
xorg-xrefresh 1.0.5-1
xorg-xset 1.2.3-1
xorg-xsetroot 1.1.1-2
xorg-xvinfo 1.1.2-2
xorg-xwininfo 1.1.3-1
xproto 7.0.26-1
xscreensaver 5.29-1
xtrans 1.3.4-1
xvidcore 1.3.3-1
xz 5.0.5-2
yajl 2.1.0-1
yaourt 1.5-1
yelp 3.12.0-1
yelp-xsl 3.12.0-1
zd1211-firmware 1.5-1
zenity 3.12.1-1
zip 3.0-4
zlib 1.2.8-3
zvbi 0.2.33-6
zziplib 0.13.62-2

Steps to reproduce:
Go on any site which provides a java application, for example www.gokgs.com

Please ask me for any details because I don't know how to start the bug research.

This task depends upon

Closed by  Doug Newgard (Scimmia)
Tuesday, 15 July 2014, 13:57 GMT
Reason for closing:  Duplicate
Additional comments about closing:   FS#40871 
Comment by martinet (martinet) - Tuesday, 15 July 2014, 08:16 GMT
After a quick downgrade try, it appears the problem does not come from the iced-tea package.

Since I'm neither an expert in Java nor in GUIs, I don't know how to help more.

Please advise.

