FS#3956 - mplayer-plugin 3.17-3 doesn't work in epiphany 1.8.5-1

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by hans (kryo) - Monday, 13 February 2006, 02:16 GMT
Last edited by arjan timmerman (blaasvis) - Monday, 13 February 2006, 09:20 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Extra
Status Closed
Assigned To Alexander Baldeck (kth5)
Architecture not specified
Severity Medium
Priority Normal
Reported Version 0.7.1 Noodle
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No


I did an upgrade, with the following relevant pacman.log entries:

[02/12/06 23:55] synchronizing package lists
[02/12/06 23:55] starting full system upgrade
[02/13/06 00:09] removed mozilla-firefox (
[02/13/06 00:09] installed xulrunner (
[02/13/06 00:09] upgraded epiphany (1.8.3-3 -> 1.8.5-1)
[02/13/06 00:09] upgraded flashplugin ( ->
[02/13/06 00:09] upgraded j2re (1.5.0_06-1 -> 1.5.0_06-2)
[02/13/06 00:09] upgraded mplayer-plugin (3.17-2 -> 3.17-3)
[02/13/06 00:09] upgraded yelp (2.12.2-1 -> 2.12.2-2)
[02/13/06 00:12] starting full system upgrade
[02/13/06 00:13] upgraded mozilla-common (1.0-2 -> 1.1-1)

Everything works fine in Epiphany except for mozilla-plugin.

I reinstalled firefox, and mozilla-plugin works ok.
This task depends upon

Closed by  Jan de Groot (JGC)
Monday, 13 February 2006, 18:31 GMT
Reason for closing:  Fixed
Comment by hans (kryo) - Monday, 13 February 2006, 02:22 GMT
Apparently, wmv videos work ok. It asks to open the videos with totem.

The problem is with quicktime. It displays a "click to download plugin" message in epiphany. Firefox works ok.
Comment by Alexander Baldeck (kth5) - Monday, 13 February 2006, 12:39 GMT
this is probably a problem with epiphany's mime-types. mplayer-plugin uses mozilla's mime database per default as of version 3.17-2 where it first came with a config file. my guess is that it is simply bypassed by epiphany which has totem associated with it automaticly.

try to unset the corresponding mime-types if possible and see if that helps.
Comment by Jan de Groot (JGC) - Monday, 13 February 2006, 14:44 GMT
mplayer-plugin links to a ton of libraries it can't resolve when running from within epiphany or any other embedded xulrunner application. Removing the libraries from LDFLAGS in the mplayerplug-in source fixes the package, it works in konqueror also then.

Will fix this later tonight.
Comment by Alexander Baldeck (kth5) - Monday, 13 February 2006, 17:24 GMT
rather send me changes. :)
