FS#37941 - [imagemagick] throws “clCreateBuffer failed” when using convert command

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Dirk (dsohler) - Thursday, 28 November 2013, 14:58 GMT
Last edited by Eric Belanger (Snowman) - Sunday, 08 December 2013, 23:33 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Extra
Status Closed
Assigned To Eric Belanger (Snowman)
Architecture All
Severity Low
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 1
Private No



Since  FS#37923  was fixed convert outputs the following message every time when processing images except simply converting them to another format.

convert: clCreateBuffer failed. . @ warning/accelerate.c/ComputeResizeImage/2823.

“convert test.jpg test.png” works fine, but when resizing with “geometry” option like “convert -resize 100x test.jpg test-100.jpg” the message shown above appears. The action itself (e.g. resizing) works properly: The image gets resized. convert just returns said error message in addition.

Additional info:

* imagemagick
* just -Syu’d
* see attached file for testing

Steps to reproduce:

* install imagemagick
* perform “convert -geometry 100x test.jpg test-100.jpg”
   test.jpg (16.9 KiB)
This task depends upon

Closed by  Eric Belanger (Snowman)
Sunday, 08 December 2013, 23:33 GMT
Reason for closing:  Fixed
Additional comments about closing:  imagemagick-
Comment by Pascal Ernster (hardfalcon) - Thursday, 28 November 2013, 23:19 GMT
I can confirm this (x86_64, with testing and staging repositories enabled and all up-to-date, but I'll try to check on a machien with only the "stable" repos enabled tomorrow).
Comment by Eric Belanger (Snowman) - Friday, 29 November 2013, 02:32 GMT
Please report upstream.
Comment by Dirk (dsohler) - Friday, 29 November 2013, 04:14 GMT Comment by Sven-Hendrik Haase (Svenstaro) - Monday, 02 December 2013, 00:56 GMT
This will apparently be fixed with the next upstream release.
