FS#37528 - [gnome-shell] fails to start after boot
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Arch Linux
Opened by Alberto (albertoalcolea) - Monday, 28 October 2013, 18:18 GMT
Last edited by Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) - Wednesday, 30 October 2013, 13:00 GMT
Opened by Alberto (albertoalcolea) - Monday, 28 October 2013, 18:18 GMT
Last edited by Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) - Wednesday, 30 October 2013, 13:00 GMT
After login on gdm I get a black screen. I can see and move the cursor but not the rest of the environment of gnome-shell. After a few minutes an error window appears with this message: "A problem has ocurred and the system can't recover. All extensions have been disabled as a precaution" Additional info: * gnome-shell 3.10.1-1 * gdm Steps to reproduce: This error occurred after upgrading the following packages: * pulseaudio (4.0-2 -> 4.0-5) * tzdata (2013g-1 -> 2013h-1) * upower (0.9.22-1 -> 0.9.23-1) * xorg-xinit (1.3.3-1 -> 1.3.3-2) |
This task depends upon
Closed by Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig)
Wednesday, 30 October 2013, 13:00 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: pulseaudio 4.0-6
Wednesday, 30 October 2013, 13:00 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: pulseaudio 4.0-6
journalctl -b for my user
journalct -u gdm for the last session which fails
journalctl -b for root
"systemctl | grep -i failed" doesn't return any service
Please, if you need another log or more information I will provide it as soon as it's possible.
resolved by downgrading some packages
sudo pacman -U pulseaudio-4.0-2-i686.pkg.tar.xz libpulse-4.0-2-i686.pkg.tar.xz
sudo pacman -U libgnomekbd-3.6.0-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz
but I did not test every one alone.
Downgrading pulseaudio and libpulse solved the problem.
The system works perfectly with pulseaudio-4.0-5 and libpulse-4.0-5 in x86_64 architecture.
Yesterday, using pacman -Syu, I upgraded to pulseaudio-4.0-5 and libpulse-4.0-5 on i686.
After a reboot Gnome displays the "something gone wrong" screen with a button to log out.
Today, reading this bug report, I downgraded to pulseaudio-4.0-2 and libpulse-4.0-2 and Gnome starts fine.
To reproduce this issue, I upgraded to 4.0-5 again (time was 13:18) und rebooted.
Attached you can find the log journalctl --since="2013-10-29 13:20". The log starts with the boot, that contains the error at 13:20:31.
At 13:23 I downgraded to pulseaudio-4.0-2 and libpulse-4.0-2 and rebooted. The log later than 13:23 shows no more errors as Gnome started fine.
Can you please install the debugging (libpulse-git and pulseaudio-git) packages from https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=117157 and get a backtrace?
1) log in to text terminal and 'sudo -s /usr/bin/pulseaudio'. Reboot
2) log in to gnome. Manually start pulseaudio with 'pulseaudio -v'
3) start gnome-control-center, click on audio icon. Here's a first trace:
Edit: non-symbol backtrace removed, see next comment.
/usr/src/ABS/extra/pulseaudio/src/pulseaudio-4.0/src/pulse/introspect.c Row 943
if (o->callback) {
pa_card_info_cb_t cb = (pa_card_info_cb_t) o->callback;
--> cb(o->context, &i, 0, o->userdata);
One question: surely one can only downgrade to packages already(previously) installed, and therefore located in /var.
How does one use pacman to 'downgrade' to packages not previously installed? thanks
cd to /var/cache/pacman/pkg
sudo pacman -U pulseaudio-4.0-2-i686.pkg.tar.xz libpulse-4.0-2-i686.pkg.tar.xz
sudo pacman -U libgnomekbd-3.6.0-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz
Do they still crash?
Thanks Jan.
Version : 4.0-5.1
Version : 4.0-5.1
They do not crash. System booted normally.
Attached you can find the log of journalctl with the new packages installed.
Good work. Thank you!