FS#36838 - [cacti] security patch for CVE-2013-5588 and CVE-2013-5589
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Opened by RbN (RbN) - Monday, 09 September 2013, 17:00 GMT
Last edited by Sergej Pupykin (sergej) - Tuesday, 10 September 2013, 10:05 GMT
Opened by RbN (RbN) - Monday, 09 September 2013, 17:00 GMT
Last edited by Sergej Pupykin (sergej) - Tuesday, 10 September 2013, 10:05 GMT
cacti 0.8.8b : CVE-2013-5588 (XSS) and CVE-2013-5589
From oss-sec (http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2013/08/25/1) : "Three cross-site scripting vulnerabilities were reported in the Cacti Bugtracker at [1]: - Reflected XSS in the "step" parameter of the "/install/index.php" script - Stored XSS in the id parameter in the "/cacti/host.php" script - "/cacti/host.php" script is vulnerable to Blind SQL Injection in the "id" parameter. Upstream (Cc'ed) has commited r7420[2] and r7421[3] for 0.8.8 and 0.8.9 respectively to fix these issues. [1] http://bugs.cacti.net/view.php?id=2383 [2] http://svn.cacti.net/viewvc?view=rev&revision=7420 [3] http://svn.cacti.net/viewvc?view=rev&revision=7421" not tested |
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