FS#36825 - [pcsxr] All plugins are 32bit. x86_64 package needs to be in [multilib] instead.
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Community Packages
Opened by Chris Pinkus (chrisbpinkus) - Sunday, 08 September 2013, 02:41 GMT
Last edited by Jakob Gruber (schuay) - Tuesday, 10 September 2013, 08:50 GMT
Opened by Chris Pinkus (chrisbpinkus) - Sunday, 08 September 2013, 02:41 GMT
Last edited by Jakob Gruber (schuay) - Tuesday, 10 September 2013, 08:50 GMT
Description: This software is designed to be used with
plugins, and all plugins are written for 32bit only.
Additional info: All versions It would make more sense to have an i686[multilib] of this package instead of x86_64[community]. Steps to reproduce: Simply installing the x86_64 package from [community] renders 32bit plugins unusable. There is no [multilib] package and no [multilib] dependencies available for x86_64 users, which forces users to install a package that is incompatible with any plugins. |
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As far as I know, only the X11 plugin uses i686 assembler code.
Remaining plugins work just fine for me on x86_64. I've added nasm
as makedepends for the i686 version, and left x86_64 as is.