FS#35404 - {mirror} A new repository in France for archlinux
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Arch Linux
Opened by stephane de labrusse (stephdl) - Tuesday, 21 May 2013, 20:27 GMT
Last edited by Jakob Wadsager (fleet) - Monday, 03 June 2013, 21:06 GMT
Opened by stephane de labrusse (stephdl) - Tuesday, 21 May 2013, 20:27 GMT
Last edited by Jakob Wadsager (fleet) - Monday, 03 June 2013, 21:06 GMT
Hi Arch community
I'm Stephane de Labrusse a french linux user and I have some place for you on my server. I do not use really Archlinux but I have friends who use it and I like this community project. As I'm already managing a SME Server repository (aubrac-medical.fr), I can share some of my bandwith and hard disk for your project. Let me know if my request need to be enhanced before to be accepted. So I hope that I will be in the archlinux adventure. Mirror domain name archlinux.aubrac-medical.fr Geographical location of the mirror Datacenter Supported access methods (http, ftp, rsync, ...) http, rsync no ftp for the moment but let me know if you need it URLs for the above access methods http://archlinux.aubrac-medical.fr/ rsync://archlinux.aubrac-medical.fr/archlinux The name of tier 1 mirror you are syncing from, which should be one of this: uk2.net (Great Britain) - rsync://mirrors.uk2.net/archlinux/ An administrative contact email stephdl@de-labrusse.fr Please join the arch-mirrors mailing list. I will do it Please ensure the following, to provide consistent mirroring and keep the upstream mirror's load low: Sync all contents of the upstream mirror (i.e. do not sync only some repositories) All folders are synced Use the following rsync options: -rtlvH --delete-after --delay-updates --safe-links --max-delete=1000 I use these options Do not rsync more rapidly than every hour every hour I make a rsync by a cron entry |
This task depends upon

I just want to add a remark that the repository is located in