FS#34185 - [opencv-docs] Does not contain actual documentation

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Pablo Lluch (pelluch) - Wednesday, 06 March 2013, 22:26 GMT
Last edited by Ray Rashif (schivmeister) - Saturday, 09 March 2013, 21:07 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Extra
Status Closed
Assigned To Ray Rashif (schivmeister)
Architecture All
Severity Low
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 1
Private No


Description: The package does not contain the actual opencv documentation. This is because they are generated not via the usual make process, but by using make html_docs (for the HTML documentation) and make docs (for the pdf files).

This is done simply by adding the lines

make html_docs (requires python2-sphinx, already listed as dependency)
make docs (uses texlive-bin, also already listed as dependency)

At the end of the build() function in the PKGBUILD. Reported as a bug because it would seem the sole purpose if opencv-docs is to generate these documentation files, and the PKGBUILD itself states they are not being generated for some reason.

Additionally, in package_opencv-docs(), before copying the docs over to fake root, the following line is necessary (else I get a folder does not exist error):

mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc"

And in order to install HTML docs as well as PDF in the final package:

cp -r "$srcdir/$_realname-$pkgver/doc/_html" "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/opencv/"
I have attached the updated tested PKGBUILD.

Additional info:

Package version 2.4.4-1
   PKGBUILD (3.7 KiB)
This task depends upon

Closed by  Ray Rashif (schivmeister)
Saturday, 09 March 2013, 21:07 GMT
Reason for closing:  Won't fix
Comment by Ray Rashif (schivmeister) - Friday, 08 March 2013, 21:23 GMT
"This is because they are generated not via the usual make process, but by using make html_docs (for the HTML documentation) and make docs (for the pdf files)"

Thanks for this, I was wondering where all the docs went...
Comment by Ray Rashif (schivmeister) - Saturday, 09 March 2013, 21:06 GMT
Err..on second thought, let's not do this. The only reason I split the docs was because they existed and were installed by default without needing extra dependencies. Now it not only requires texlive-bin, but also texlive-core for the formats and what not. That's well over 100MB worth of a download.

Furthermore, it's not building without issues, and I don't know WTF upstream has the BUILD_DOCS switch for if their install rule won't even move the (html) docs in the first place. For these reasons, I'm scrapping the doc split (effective from the next update).

However, I do not know how important docs are for regular users of opencv, so anyone is free to open a separate feature request for including docs (split or not). For the record, like most other libre software, the docs are accessible online as well as in downloadable PDF form. [1]

[1] http://opencv.org/documentation.html
