FS#33574 - depends and makedepends logic
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Opened by Maxime Gauduin (Alucryd) - Saturday, 26 January 2013, 14:23 GMT
Last edited by Ionut Biru (wonder) - Saturday, 26 January 2013, 15:20 GMT
Opened by Maxime Gauduin (Alucryd) - Saturday, 26 January 2013, 14:23 GMT
Last edited by Ionut Biru (wonder) - Saturday, 26 January 2013, 15:20 GMT
Currently, packages in the depends array are considered
makedepends too. While there are packages needed at build
time only, the reverse is also true, some packages are only
needed at runtime. Requiring and installing the runtime
depends at build time causes problem for packages with hard
dependencies on versions, like the NVIDIA drivers suite.
Say you want to update the following: nvidia-beta, nvidia-utils-beta, lb32-nvidia-utils-beta; you start by building nvidia-beta, which requires nvidia-utils-beta at the same version, however lib32-nvidia-utils-beta requires nvidia-utils-beta at the previous version. Dead end, same issue no matter where you start. You have to remove all the suite to install the new, or remove the nvidia-utils-beta with -Rdd beforehand. While there are but a few packages concerned, making depends and makedepends independent would make more sense and be more correct. |
This task depends upon
i don't see any reason to have this bug opened, since is not a bug.