FS#28802 - Filesystem attrs cause AUR to complain about nested directories

Attached to Project: AUR web interface
Opened by Jesse Jaara (Huulivoide) - Tuesday, 06 March 2012, 12:56 GMT
Last edited by Lukas Fleischer (lfleischer) - Sunday, 04 November 2012, 11:44 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Backend
Status Closed
Assigned To Lukas Fleischer (lfleischer)
Architecture All
Severity Medium
Priority Normal
Reported Version 1.9.0
Due in Version 2.0.0
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 1
Private No


Setting PKGBUILD or another file part of the package a attr key
will cause AUR to complain about nested directories.
"Error - source tarball may not contain nested subdirectories."

Also something else than attrs cause this too.
I trid to upload this [1] to aur, just to get
the same error message once again.
Well my PKGBUILD did have a attr set, but I removed it and
rebuilt the source pkg. This time it didn't resolve the error.
It is still complaining about nested directories, wchih the pkg
doesn't have and no attrs on any of the files eather....


This task depends upon

Closed by  Lukas Fleischer (lfleischer)
Sunday, 04 November 2012, 11:44 GMT
Reason for closing:  Fixed
Additional comments about closing:  Fixed in 2.0.0.
Comment by Lukas Fleischer (lfleischer) - Tuesday, 06 March 2012, 22:10 GMT
Did you use makepkg(8) and GNU tar(1) to build that tarball? Your source tarball still contains some flags that GNU tar(1) seems to be unable to deal with:

$ curl -s 'http://huulivoide.pp.fi/Arch/foldit-beta.20120228-1.src.tar.gz' | tar -tz >/dev/null
tar: Ignoring unknown extended header keyword `SCHILY.fflags'
Comment by Jesse Jaara (Huulivoide) - Thursday, 08 March 2012, 09:01 GMT
Yeh, GNU's tar trought makepkg -S
This is just ridicilous.
find . -type f -exec attr -l {} \;
outputs nothing....
Comment by Dave Reisner (falconindy) - Sunday, 18 March 2012, 15:36 GMT
makepkg does not use GNU tar, which is why these flags exist in the archive and are unknown to GNU tar.
Comment by Lukas Fleischer (lfleischer) - Wednesday, 21 March 2012, 09:25 GMT Comment by Piotr Rogoża (dracorp) - Sunday, 08 July 2012, 13:34 GMT
I am using the ext4 file system with the extent flag and when sending a package to the AUR I have the same problem. With ext3 and ext2 do not have this problem.
