FS#26604 - [qtscriptgenerator] depends on libQtWebKit.so.4 (build fails)
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Arch Linux
Opened by Andrea Scarpino (BaSh) - Monday, 24 October 2011, 20:37 GMT
Last edited by Andrea Scarpino (BaSh) - Friday, 30 December 2011, 11:21 GMT
Opened by Andrea Scarpino (BaSh) - Monday, 24 October 2011, 20:37 GMT
Last edited by Andrea Scarpino (BaSh) - Friday, 30 December 2011, 11:21 GMT
Description: qtscriptgenerator needs the qtwebkit package to work. Unfortunately qtscriptgenerator doesn't build with Qt >= 4.8 (upstream bug report is here: http://code.google.com/p/qtscriptgenerator/issues/detail?id=80) Additional info: * qtscriptgenerator 0.1.0-4 Steps to reproduce: Try to build it |
This task depends upon
Closed by Andrea Scarpino (BaSh)
Friday, 30 December 2011, 11:21 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: qtscriptgenerator 0.1.0-5
Friday, 30 December 2011, 11:21 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: qtscriptgenerator 0.1.0-5

(I guess this is a very low priority bug, since both the packages
which needs qtscriptgenerator (amarok and musescore) already
depend on qtwebkit.)

I'm not sure if it is related but current qtwebkit 2.2.1-1 is
incompatible with current qt 4.8.0-2 from extra.

That isn't related. But what do you mean with "incompatible"?
Please file a new bug report if you think that's a bug.

Sorry, nevermind.