FS#26479 - [initscripts] Allow file inclusion in /etc/rc.conf

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Nico Schottelius (telmich) - Sunday, 16 October 2011, 17:57 GMT
Last edited by Tom Gundersen (tomegun) - Wednesday, 09 November 2011, 00:54 GMT
Task Type Feature Request
Category Arch Projects
Status Closed
Assigned To Tom Gundersen (tomegun)
Architecture All
Severity Low
Priority Normal
Reported Version testbuild (specify!)
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 2
Private No


On Archlinux /etc/rc.conf is the main configuration file and thus it is needed to be able to maintain it from automatic configuration tools like cdist (http://www.nico.schottelius.org/software/cdist/).

In automatic configuration management, you usually have multiple locations to construct the system configuration. Modern configuration management systems describe **state** and do not **run scripts**.

Describing the state of /etc/rc.conf in different locations is a pain, putting it together error prone and may omit stuff that should have been included.

Thus to open the doors for automatic configuration management on Archlinux I propose to introduce /etc/rc.conf.d, which
includes bash scripts in the same manner as rc.conf, which are read sequentially (i.e. 0 to 9, A-z, the standard shell globbing).

I think this is no big change in how Archlinux works, but gives great freedom to people trying to use Archlinux in big (hear enterprise, if you want) environments.
This task depends upon

Closed by  Tom Gundersen (tomegun)
Wednesday, 09 November 2011, 00:54 GMT
Reason for closing:  None
Additional comments about closing:  Please continue any further discussion on the ML.
Comment by Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi (djgera) - Wednesday, 19 October 2011, 01:55 GMT
  • Field changed: Attached to Project (Release Engineering → Arch Linux)
submitted to wrong project.
Comment by Tom Gundersen (tomegun) - Wednesday, 19 October 2011, 07:12 GMT
rc.conf being a bash script is the source of all my problems. I'm afraid your suggestion would cause even more headache, as it would make it even more difficult to figure out where something is being defined. Imagine trying to read the config files from a third-party tool which is not a bash script. The most recent example is login-shells trying to read /etc/profile.d/locale.sh which in turns sources rc.conf. If your login-shell is not bash compatible you are in trouble. Another example is that I added rc.conf compatibility to systemd, and this would become endlessly more complicated if we allow secondary files (and not just config files, but bash scripts). A future example (maybe it already exists) might be gui configuration tools that should be able to write to and read from rc.conf.

I understand your problem though, and I'd be interested in working with you to solve it. My suggestion for solving it would be:

Many of the variables in rc.conf can be defined in their "native" or distro-independent (read "systemd") location, so all you'd have to do is to make sure they are unset in rc.conf and configure them elsewhere. In that case you'll have (roughly) one file per variable, and they will not be bash scripts, so automating configuration should be easy. This is the current situation:

LOCALE: set LANG in /etc/locale.conf instead (http://0pointer.de/public/systemd-man/locale.conf.html)
DAEMON_LOCALE: cannot be set elsewhere
HARDWARECLOCK: set the third line in /var/lib/hwclock/adjtime, assuming /var is on the root partition (man hwclock).
TIMEZONE: symlink /etc/localtime to your zoneinfo file yourself (man timezone)
KEYMAP/CONSOLEFONT/CONSOLEMAP: cannot be set elsewhere (but I'd accept a patch for http://0pointer.de/public/systemd-man/vconsole.conf.html)
USECOLOR: cannot be set elsewhere
MODULES: cannot be set elsewhere (but I'd accept a patch for http://0pointer.de/public/systemd-man/modules-load.d.html if it follows the style of what we do with sysctl and tmpfiles)
UDEV_TIMEOUT: cannot be set elsewhere, but udev would accept a patch for doing this in /etc/udev/udev.conf
USE{DMRAID,BTRFS,LVM}: cannot be set elsewhere (should go away one day once upstream gets their acts together)
HOSTNAME: cannot be set elsewhere (but I'd accept a patch for http://0pointer.de/public/systemd-man/hostname.html)
interfaces/...= cannot be set elsewhere, use a proper networking solution
NETWORK_PERSISTS: cannot be set elsewhere, but should go away, i need to look into it, patches/explanations welcome
DAEMONS: cannot be set elsewhere

What do you think?
Comment by Tom Gundersen (tomegun) - Wednesday, 19 October 2011, 08:25 GMT
A couple of (untested) patches for hostname and vconsole.conf support: https://github.com/teg/initscripts-arch/commits/master.

I'll add module-load.d support if there is demand for it, but that'll take a bit longer. If someone provide patches I'll probably include them in the next release (~one month from now), otherwise I'll get to it when I have time.
Comment by Nico Schottelius (telmich) - Tuesday, 01 November 2011, 16:53 GMT
  • Field changed: Percent Complete (100% → 0%)
Sorry for the late answer -- The main reason why I started this request is because of the DAEMONS=() array, which is of special interest for automatic editing. If you think that this one can be moved out of rc.conf as well soon and continue moving out stuff, then this might be a solution.
Comment by Tom Gundersen (tomegun) - Tuesday, 01 November 2011, 16:58 GMT
Hmm... I feel your pain. I think, however, that DAEMONS is the only thing I'd be opposed to moving out. In a world where rc.conf was allowed to only contain DAEMONS, could you not just run it through a bash interperter to get the daemons array out, then manipulate it in your tool, and write a new rc.conf with your new DAEMONS array?

This means your tool would destroy any custom bash magic the user has put in rc.conf, but if you move out most other stuff, this might not be so bad? Maybe it would be worth declaring that bash-magic is frowned upon in rc.conf?

I think the best way forward is to write a suggestion to arch-projects@archlinux.org, and gauge everyone's mood on the topic.
Comment by Nico Schottelius (telmich) - Wednesday, 02 November 2011, 15:47 GMT
I'd even think about changing rc.conf to cconfig style (what bernstein and fefe use as well):
cconfig only knows about flat files without the need for parsing.

Thus, we could restructure (and make everything WAY MORE SIMPLE (</capslock>)) it as follows:

/etc/rc.conf.d/daemons: \n seperated list of stuff to start, supporting @ and ! as it is right now
/etc/rc.conf.d/*: same for the rest, no \n seperation if it is only a single value.

I think I'll drop a longer mail to arch-projects this evening describing the idea more in detail.
Comment by Tom Gundersen (tomegun) - Wednesday, 02 November 2011, 15:54 GMT
@telmich: note that we already support much of <http://0pointer.de/public/systemd-man/> (and they are following the style you propose I think), and we will only consider adding our own config format for things that could not possibly be shared with other distros (and then only very reluctantly).

I agree in principle that having config files not be bash would be nice, but I also agree with those who are reluctant to change things. At the end of the day, I guess I'll be the easiest to convince, but the other's might need a more convincing argument / use-cases.
