FS#26140 - [rubberband] 1.6.0-1 segfaults

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Garron (garron) - Thursday, 29 September 2011, 00:02 GMT
Last edited by Ray Rashif (schivmeister) - Monday, 03 October 2011, 21:01 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Upstream Bugs
Status Closed
Assigned To Ray Rashif (schivmeister)
Architecture All
Severity Medium
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No


Rubberband segfaults with any input or combination of parameters (besides --help, etc.) Still happens if I rebuild the package locally with pacman -Sb rubberband.

$ rubberband --time 2 -d 3 in.wav out.wav
Using crispness level: 5 (Crisp monophonic instrumental)
Using time ratio 2 and frequency ratio 1
RubberBandStretcher::Impl::Impl: rate = 44100, options = 16
Going multithreaded...
configure: effective ratio = 2
configure: analysis window size = 2048, synthesis window size = 2048, fft size = 2048, increment = 170 (approx output increment = 340)
configure: outbuf size = 131072
Window area: 0.5; synthesis window area: 0.5
FFT::FFT(2048): using FFTW3 implementation
configure: effective ratio = 2
configure: analysis window size = 2048, synthesis window size = 2048, fft size = 2048, increment = 170 (approx output increment = 340)
configure: outbuf size = 131072
configure: effective ratio = 2
configure: analysis window size = 2048, synthesis window size = 2048, fft size = 2048, increment = 170 (approx output increment = 340)
configure: outbuf size = 131072
Pass 1: Studying...
0% Segmentation fault
This task depends upon

Closed by  Ray Rashif (schivmeister)
Monday, 03 October 2011, 21:01 GMT
Reason for closing:  Fixed
Additional comments about closing:  Patch provided by upstream and applied; fixed package rolled to [testing].
Comment by Ray Rashif (schivmeister) - Friday, 30 September 2011, 12:06 GMT
  • Field changed: Architecture (i686 → All)
  • Field changed: Severity (Low → Medium)
This probably went unnoticed because rarely anyone uses the command line utility by itself, I suppose. My suspicion is that there's some incompatibility somewhere along those dependencies, most probably gcc/glibc or fftw, but all I can do now is guess until I can verify a few more things.

Also reported upstream: http://www.breakfastquay.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=32&page=1#Item_1
Comment by Garron (garron) - Saturday, 01 October 2011, 22:45 GMT
FYI, I also get a segfault trying to use the Rubberband pitchshifting plugin Audacity. (It brings Audacity down, in fact.)
Comment by Ray Rashif (schivmeister) - Sunday, 02 October 2011, 08:07 GMT
Thank you, confirmed. If anyone's wondering, ardour is not affected as it uses an internal version of rubberband. But others like qtractor are affected.

This is most likely a problem with a cornercase toolchain incompatibility, since not even a 1.5 rebuild works. In the meantime, one can downgrade to an older binary (as mentioned, rebuilds will not work):


And place this in pacman.conf:

IgnorePkg = rubberband
Comment by Ray Rashif (schivmeister) - Sunday, 02 October 2011, 14:26 GMT
  • Field changed: Category (Packages: Extra → Upstream Bugs)
