FS#25879 - New Indonesian Mirror
Attached to Project:
Arch Linux
Opened by Willy Sudiarto Raharjo (willysr) - Saturday, 03 September 2011, 16:08 GMT
Last edited by Jakob Wadsager (fleet) - Monday, 05 September 2011, 12:09 GMT
Opened by Willy Sudiarto Raharjo (willysr) - Saturday, 03 September 2011, 16:08 GMT
Last edited by Jakob Wadsager (fleet) - Monday, 05 September 2011, 12:09 GMT
Mirror domain name:
Geographical location of the mirror: Indonesia Supported access methods (http, ftp, rsync, ...): http, rsync URLs for the above access methods http://repo.ukdw.ac.id/archlinux, rsync://repo.ukdw.ac.id/archlinux The name of tier 1 mirror : rsync://ftp.osuosl.org/archlinux/ An administrative contact email : repo@ukdw.ac.id extra note: i don't sync iso directory as there are already ISOs at http://iso.ukdw.ac.id/archlinux |
This task depends upon
Closed by Jakob Wadsager (fleet)
Monday, 05 September 2011, 12:09 GMT
Reason for closing: Implemented
Monday, 05 September 2011, 12:09 GMT
Reason for closing: Implemented

I have changed the tier 1 mirror into