FS#25757 - Link to https on http sites should redirect to current package

Attached to Project: AUR web interface
Opened by Heiko Baums (cyberpatrol) - Thursday, 25 August 2011, 20:50 GMT
Last edited by Lukas Fleischer (lfleischer) - Monday, 05 September 2011, 15:15 GMT
Task Type Feature Request
Category Backend
Status Closed
Assigned To Lukas Fleischer (lfleischer)
Architecture All
Severity Medium
Priority Normal
Reported Version 1.9.0
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 1
Private No


If someone sends a http link to an AUR package like e.g. to aur-general and someone follows this link, it's not possible to login anymore as discussed and decided on the mailing list.

This message appears on top of this page:
HTTP login is disabled. Please switch to HTTPs if you want to login: https://aur.archlinux.org/

But if someone clicks onto this https link the AUR home page is loaded as https. It would be desirable if this link would load the currently viewed package as https instead.
This task depends upon

Closed by  Lukas Fleischer (lfleischer)
Monday, 05 September 2011, 15:15 GMT
Reason for closing:  Implemented
Additional comments about closing:  Fixed in "maint". Updated our live setup.
Comment by Karol Błażewicz (karol) - Thursday, 25 August 2011, 23:41 GMT
The old AUR rss feed http://aur.archlinux.org/rss.php uses http links. According to Google Reader, there are currently 222 subscribers, not sure if they are all watching the ML and know about the http -> https switch so they may be quite confused.

Slightly OT: I think everyone should subscribe to the new AUR feed, maybe an announcement is in order?
Comment by Heiko Baums (cyberpatrol) - Friday, 26 August 2011, 01:01 GMT
It's indeed totally OT, but why should I subscribe to the AUR feed? The ML is a lot more important and every important discussion and announcement is done there.
Comment by Karol Błażewicz (karol) - Friday, 26 August 2011, 01:05 GMT
I'm not saying *you* should, but some people don't want the discussions, they want to see what new packages are available in the AUR.
Comment by Heiko Baums (cyberpatrol) - Friday, 26 August 2011, 01:27 GMT
You said: "I think everyone should subscribe to the new AUR feed..." So you said I should, too.
But, please, let stop this OT here.
Comment by Karol Błażewicz (karol) - Friday, 26 August 2011, 01:31 GMT
Sorry for being imprecise, I meant everyone who is now using and still wants to be using the AUR rss feed.

