FS#25461 - Slow files copying into a usb drive

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Alexander (heaven) - Monday, 08 August 2011, 17:20 GMT
Last edited by Andrea Scarpino (BaSh) - Saturday, 21 January 2012, 18:24 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Extra
Status Closed
Assigned To No-one
Architecture x86_64
Severity Medium
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 1
Private No


I am suffering from very slow files copying and it does not matter is it usb 1 or 2 devise. I mean that it happens both with uhci and ehci (can not test xhci because haven't a usb 3.0 device). When I copying files KDE notification show me the progress and all seems to be alright, but when copy operation is finished (orienting by KDE's notifications) I can not umount the devise. I always receive an error message that devise is busy, when trying to umount it. htop shows high I/O that you can see on the screenshot. It also does not matter was this device mounted by dolphin or by hand in console. Also, a few upgrades ago (perhaps with kernel 2.6.38) arch hung tightly while this operations and came to life after operations complete (or after hard devise disconnecting)

Additional info:
I noticed it a long time ago, not sure in which kernel version. Already tried lts and 3.0 kernels. Now I trying with 2.6.39-ck and it also has the same problem.

Steps to reproduce:
Just connect an usb devise and try to copy files on it. I tried it with phone flash card and with different usb drives and it is reproducible with both small and big files.

I have the Intel I7 processor and the Asus Sabertooth motherboard on the X58 chipset.

P.S. Sorry if writing into the wrong place, but I really don't even know where else can I ask for help.
This task depends upon

Closed by  Andrea Scarpino (BaSh)
Saturday, 21 January 2012, 18:24 GMT
Reason for closing:  Upstream
Additional comments about closing:  https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi ?id=41472
Comment by Alexander (heaven) - Monday, 08 August 2011, 17:55 GMT
Also, when KDE tells me that copying is finished I can open copied folders and files, so it seems that copying is really inished successful. But htop show that something is in the progress and device is busy.
Comment by Jelle van der Waa (jelly) - Thursday, 18 August 2011, 12:03 GMT
check iotop
Comment by Alexander (heaven) - Thursday, 18 August 2011, 13:33 GMT
Nothing suspicious, but htop at the same time show the hard i/o wait (see the screenshot). Also the device, on which I copied files, is a kind of slow full speed device. Before copying files on it, I've copied them from it. This was slow (≈500 kb/s) but kde showed the progress popup until operation was not been completed. But then I've removed all from the device, remount it (all was fine) and tried to copy the files back to the device. The progress popup was not shown at all, files appeared in dolphin immediately, but I get the "device is busy" message when trying to umount it. Also I notices that it lasted approximately the same time as when I copied the files from the device.

So, it's just an assumtion, but perhaps something going wrong in kernel (or in related module) during the process, and this is a reason why KDE don't display the copying progress, htop and iotop do not display anything, too (though htop show i/o wait, and this is single indicator that something is happening). But at the same time, when files is bigger, KDE will display the progress popup, but still hide it before the copying will be finished (actually it shows that copying was finished and disappears).
Comment by Jelle van der Waa (jelly) - Sunday, 21 August 2011, 12:20 GMT
Please report it upstream, it seems to be a kernel bug.
Comment by Alexander (heaven) - Sunday, 21 August 2011, 13:59 GMT
Ok, thanks. If possible, please, do not remove this report, so I could point kernel devs here.
Comment by Jelle van der Waa (jelly) - Saturday, 14 January 2012, 12:43 GMT
Did you report it yet?
Comment by Alexander (heaven) - Saturday, 14 January 2012, 12:51 GMT
Hi, yes, it's here — https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41472 so this report could be closed.
