FS#23889 - [initscripts] rc.shutdown should recognize LVM upon LUKS option.
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Arch Linux
Opened by b4283 (b4283) - Friday, 22 April 2011, 15:38 GMT
Last edited by Tom Gundersen (tomegun) - Saturday, 18 June 2011, 23:52 GMT
Opened by b4283 (b4283) - Friday, 22 April 2011, 15:38 GMT
Last edited by Tom Gundersen (tomegun) - Saturday, 18 June 2011, 23:52 GMT
See rc.sysinit of latest initscripts has the following: Line 215 # Maybe someone has LVM on an encrypted block device means that rc.sysinit has already considered the possibility of LVM on LUKS option, but this feature is not complete because rc.shutdown doesn't recognize this setup since LUKS drives are deactivated before LVM volumes are unmounted in rc.shutdown. Maybe you could get use of the command "vgdisplay -As", where -A means LVM volumes that is still active, and -s means short instaed of detailed message. Additional info: * package version(s) initscripts 2011.04.1-1 * config and/or log files etc. Steps to reproduce: |
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Closed by Tom Gundersen (tomegun)
Saturday, 18 June 2011, 23:52 GMT
Reason for closing: Not a bug
Additional comments about closing: Reopen against mkinitcpio.
Saturday, 18 June 2011, 23:52 GMT
Reason for closing: Not a bug
Additional comments about closing: Reopen against mkinitcpio.
It's should be a harmless move to do an extra vgchange.
My root parition and my swap are encrypted. Upon shutdown initiation, swap is deactivated successfully, but my root partition fails (line 75). I am not familiar with cryptsetup or the helper functions in /etc/rc.d/functions, so I was not able to debug this problem.
If you can offer some direction, I will try to figure out where the source of the problem is. Thank you.
it won't be able to lock(close) the root because it's still in use (the rc.* scripts are in it).
A possible solution is that you use a irrevelant small partition as /etc
Is this bad for my root file system? It sounds like the encrypted root is not getting unmounted.
If I had a separate encrypted /etc partition, then I would have the same problem. From your suggestion I gather that /etc has to be unencrypted. But the wiki makes it sound like users should be able to encrypt their entire root parition without any ill consequences.
Maybe I need to copy /etc to a ramfs (encrypted with a random key) and mount that temporary partition before calling rc.shutdown. Does this sound like a good solution or is there something simpler? How do other distributions encrypt root?