FS#23707 - [ pyatspi ] Conflicts with at-spi-1.32.0-2 package
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Arch Linux
Opened by Michael Whapples (mwhapples) - Monday, 11 April 2011, 17:43 GMT
Last edited by Ionut Biru (wonder) - Friday, 29 April 2011, 10:59 GMT
Opened by Michael Whapples (mwhapples) - Monday, 11 April 2011, 17:43 GMT
Last edited by Ionut Biru (wonder) - Friday, 29 April 2011, 10:59 GMT
The pyatspi package contains files found in the
at-spi-1.32.0-2 package. Therefore either these packages
need to be marked as conflict or the at-spi-1.32.0 package
needs to be built with the --enable-relocate option.
I feel that the conflict option may be simpler, however it would require that brltty should not have a hard dependency on at-spi (may be make that as an optional dependency as it is only for one possible driver anyway). If this alteration to brltty was not made then there would be an issue installing orca-3.0.0-1 as its dependencies would lead to pyatspi and at-spi both needing to be installed. If the building of at-spi with the --enable-relocate option is to be used then pyatspi and at-spi2 would be needed even if the user only wanted to use at-spi. |
This task depends upon

isn't better to replace at-spi with at-spi2 ?

It possibly is best to replace at-spi with at-spi2, however there
may be occasions where one might want to use at-spi (not really
sure of an example). Here is a posting to the orca list discussing
the relocate option for at-spi

i pushed at-spi 1.32.0-4 and orca 3.0.1. let me know if is fixing
your problem