FS#23453 - [qemu] Enable spice support
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Arch Linux
Opened by Josh Adams (rigormotis) - Saturday, 26 March 2011, 16:24 GMT
Last edited by Tobias Powalowski (tpowa) - Tuesday, 08 October 2013, 07:23 GMT
Opened by Josh Adams (rigormotis) - Saturday, 26 March 2011, 16:24 GMT
Last edited by Tobias Powalowski (tpowa) - Tuesday, 08 October 2013, 07:23 GMT
Since the most recent builds of virt-manager and associated tools have added support for using the spice protocol to talk to guests, it makes sense to enable spice support when building qmeu-kvm. Currently, if you try to use Spice instead of VNC as the display server a traceback pops up saying that the qemu-binary does not have spice support enabled. Enabling spice support should be as easy as adding "--enable-spice" to the configure options in the PKGBUILD. I did a quick test doing just this and I was able to use Spice instead of VNC when working with virt-manager. Please note that I could not view the vm from within virt-manager, as it requires spice-gtk, which arch does not have a package for at the moment. However, I was able to view the VM using another spice client. Additional info: * package version(s) qemu-kvm 0.14.0-1 * config and/or log files etc. Steps to reproduce: |
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Closed by Tobias Powalowski (tpowa)
Tuesday, 08 October 2013, 07:23 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: qemu-1.6.0-6
Tuesday, 08 October 2013, 07:23 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: qemu-1.6.0-6
For spice, spice-protocol and xf86-video-qxl, I updated some outdated PKGBUILDs from aur:
- Spice - http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=40559
- Spice protocol - http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=40560
- xf86-video-qxl - http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=40163
I did spice-gtk myself and added the following changes to the qemu-kvm PKGBUILD:
- Added spice as a dependency
- Added 'hda' to the --audio-card-list in the call to configure (This was unrelated to spice. It seems to be the default card that the new version of virt-manager uses.)
- Added --enable-spice to the call to configure
The only other change that needs made is to add spice-gtk as a dependency of virt-manager and I think that should take care of everything.
Hope you can use this stuff, first time making PKGBUILDs.
I know there already is a newer version of Celt in the community repo's, so I'm not sure how this should be handled.
Sorry i'll add it when i have the time to do it.
Normal life consumes my time at the moment.
Thanks for the update.
virt-manager with spice enabled works to, a few bugs exist. But that's for the developers of virt-manager. I will report the bugs.
As mentioned before, spice-gtk is required for virt-manager to work with spice. After install spice-gtk I had to restart the libvirtd deamon. Maybe a idea to create an new AUR? pkgbuilds related to the xf86-video-qxl are out of date.
Thanks again for this packages, I`m very impressed of spice!
sadly spice depends on celt0.5.1 and cegui-0.6, currently there are already two versions in [community]. Anyway spice looks cool ;)
If qemu-kvm is built with spice support, I'll be able to move and maintain GNOME Boxes and it's dependencies (libvirt-glib, spice-gtk and libosinfo) in the [community] repository.
- celt051 is required of course, but it's a really small library, and it uses a different library name (libcelt051), so it does not conflict with other celt packages.
I don't know how rigid the Spice protocol is; celt051 may be a hard requirement for a while.
And: can't spice be an optional dependency (e.g. via patch)?
fix the break with the convention later?