FS#20174 - [initscripts] rc.sysinit and kernel with modules disabled
Attached to Project:
Arch Linux
Opened by Anonymous Submitter - Wednesday, 14 July 2010, 09:40 GMT
Last edited by Tom Gundersen (tomegun) - Wednesday, 13 April 2011, 09:25 GMT
Opened by Anonymous Submitter - Wednesday, 14 July 2010, 09:40 GMT
Last edited by Tom Gundersen (tomegun) - Wednesday, 13 April 2011, 09:25 GMT
i'm new to archlinux so i don't really know if what i'm
going to say is in the spirit of this linux distribution.
anyway, i'd like to see implemented a way for having a linux
kernel with modules disabled and not having to run the
"depmod" command before rebooting. if you don't run that
command, as you probably know, at boot time you get the "no
such file or directory" error because of the missing
"modules.dep" file. i opened a forum discussion before
opening this task. you can read it at
http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=791486. thank you.
This task depends upon

load_modules=off in the boot options should do the trick.

it doesn't work. i removed "/lib/modules/" and then added
"load_modules=off" in the "menu.lst" file. it still says that it
cannot find the "modules.dep" file (of course, i deleted it along
with its parent directory).

New patch, currently pending in arch-project remove depmod from
rc.sysinit. This should settle the issue.