FS#19367 - [kdewebdev-kfilereplace] doesn't search multiple filters/directories
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Arch Linux
Opened by Christoph Drexler (ChrDr) - Wednesday, 05 May 2010, 20:22 GMT
Last edited by Andrea Scarpino (BaSh) - Sunday, 04 July 2010, 23:36 GMT
Opened by Christoph Drexler (ChrDr) - Wednesday, 05 May 2010, 20:22 GMT
Last edited by Andrea Scarpino (BaSh) - Sunday, 04 July 2010, 23:36 GMT
kfilereplace starts, I can enter search strings, replace strings, options etc. When I try klick on "Simulate", the status bar shows "Replacing files (simulation)...", but on the right side, the status bar shows "Scanned files: 0". When I klick on "Search" or "Replace", I get the same (non-)reaction. No files are changed at all. When I start kfilereplace on the command line, the following messages are shown: kfilereplace(9211) findLibraryInternal: plugins should not have a 'lib' prefix: "libkfilereplacepart.so" kfilereplace(9211) kde4Factory: The library "/usr/lib/kde4/libkfilereplacepart.so" does not offer a qt_plugin_instance function. Steps to reproduce: 1. Start kfilereplace 2. Enter any search/replace strings and options 3. Try starting the search |
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If I change the encoding manually to ISO 8859-1, it does not work, either.
I have also tried to toggle the "Include subfolders" option. If I turn it off, I get a dialog window, saying "Cannot open file </path/to/subfolder> for reading." for each of the subfolders, and in the status line I get "Scanned files: 14" (which is the number of subfolders). But still no regular files have been scanned.
Searching for some string gives me results.
Andrea, can you replicate the problem?
If I use just one filter (e.g. '*' or '*.html') and if I just 'Search", it works for me, too.
But it still does not work if I either
* use the preset filter '*.htm;*.html;*.xml;*.xhtml;*.css;*.js;*.php' or
* try to 'Simulate' or 'Replace'.
So at least searching with just one filter works now, but replacing (and simulating the replacement) does not work at all, so I thing the bug description should be "doesn't search multiple filters/directories and does not replace anything"
Since this is quite a fundamental lack of functionality, I thought that there would already be any corresponding bug report if it were an upstream bug. I could not find that bug in the reports, but several other bug reports that implicate that kfilereplace seems to work more or less for other users. But as your code inspection suggests that this might be an upstream bug, anyway, I am going to file an upstream bug report.
So at least searching with just one filter works now, but replacing (and simulating the replacement) does not work at all, so I thing the bug description should be "doesn't search multiple filters/directories and does not replace anything"[/quote]
works here if I enter it in the dialog as before, hit search later and then simulate or replace in the main window.
do you have some sort of current kde live cd around in which you can check the behavior or know one which boots from harddrive (don't have any spare cds left to try atm)?
I will report the results when I have succeeded in downloading, burning and trying the live cd.
But trying to replace 'a' by 'b' works.
Anyway, if I do not "Include subfolders", I still get a dialog window, saying "Cannot open file </path/to/subfolder> for reading." for each of the subfolders.
- created a directory with a test.html file (and a few others) with just some random stuff in it (among it blabla)
- created a subdirectory with the same content
- set directory permissons of subdirectory to 444, also tried with normal 755
- search for 'bla', replace by 'blab'
- with 444 permissions only 'blabla' in test.hml in main directory is replaced by 'blablab', with 755 permissions on subdirectory also test.html in subdirectory is replaced (if include subdirectory option is checked of course).