FS#13954 - cannot open default user face

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Maurel (guy-kde) - Wednesday, 25 March 2009, 11:22 GMT
Last edited by Pierre Schmitz (Pierre) - Monday, 27 April 2009, 12:21 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Extra
Status Closed
Assigned To Pierre Schmitz (Pierre)
Architecture x86_64
Severity Low
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No


the message "cannot open default user face" written in the

Additional info:
KDE 4.2.1

Steps to reproduce:
boot and look at the log-file and see the message "cannot open default user face",
which ist not very usefull, takes place in the log-file without necessary.

To change:
The distribution should be completed with the directory

and the two files
This task depends upon

Closed by  Pierre Schmitz (Pierre)
Monday, 27 April 2009, 12:21 GMT
Reason for closing:  Upstream
Comment by Pierre Schmitz (Pierre) - Friday, 27 March 2009, 09:58 GMT
Could you please be more verbose? I don't have such errors in my log neither do I find those icons.
Comment by Maurel (guy-kde) - Friday, 27 March 2009, 17:03 GMT

I'm a beginner, got the binaries and try...
I don't make any change on the configuration.
I login in the system from another computer and make a connection with ssh, or I login with the console tty1.
I get a look at the file:
/var/log/daemon.log and see
Mar 20 19:00:29 falun-a kdm_greet[2301]: Cannot open default user face
it comes each time the greeter ist starting again.

I just download the kdebase with:
svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdebase
and get the revision 945531
I take a look to
and found (only the important lines for my question)

KDM's file system layout
${kde_datadir} is usually ${prefix}/share/apps

in the sources I found:
kfrontend/genkdmconf.c: ASPrintf( &olddir, "%s/share/apps/kdm/faces", oldkdepfx );
kfrontend/genkdmconf.c: ASPrintf( &oldpic, "%s/default1.png", facesrc );
kfrontend/genkdmconf.c: ASPrintf( &oldpic, "%s/root1.png", facesrc );

The directory and the files are not i the binary-distribution.
If I make the directory and add the files ... I don't get any more error-message

Take a look at:

and you get some icons.

I open a bug at KDE:

where I get the answer:
"a "make install" from source will do that. file a bug with your distribution."

What do you think about that?
Thanks, guy

Comment by Pierre Schmitz (Pierre) - Friday, 27 March 2009, 18:10 GMT
Could you point me to the bugreport at bugs.kde.org? The point is that "make install" is just used here. The images are installed under /usr/share/apps/kdm/pics/users/. Maybe its no bug at all and kdm is just looking for icons in a location that was used in earlier KDE versions. The error message is missleading though.
Comment by Maurel (guy-kde) - Friday, 27 March 2009, 18:54 GMT

I have done a wrong "paste" about the bugreport. This is the right one:
