FS#10662 - Zazzle (Arch shwag) does not accept paypal

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Evan (Evanlec) - Sunday, 15 June 2008, 10:17 GMT
Last edited by Dusty Phillips (Dusty) - Sunday, 29 June 2008, 22:24 GMT
Task Type Feature Request
Category Web Sites
Status Closed
Assigned To Dusty Phillips (Dusty)
Architecture All
Severity Medium
Priority Normal
Reported Version 2007.08-2
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 0%
Votes 2
Private No


Arch Shwag does not accept Paypal as a means of payment.

I was alerted to this on our IRC channel #archlinux (freenode.net) when a user wished to purchase some Arch gear (shwag) and complained of zazzle.com not accepting paypal as a mode of payment.

He said that he felt uncomfortable giving out credit card info (which is perfectly understandable, though i assured him that zazzle.com was a reputable dealer).

Is there a possible way to fix this? or would it be too much of a hassle to switch to another company?
If the later is true then feel free to delete this bug.

Just thought u guys might wanna know since this kinda stuff perhaps helps you guys pay your bills :)

Additional info:
* package version(s)
* config and/or log files etc.

Steps to reproduce:
Order something via the arch-shwag store, provided by zazzle.com ... choose payment method (no paypal)
This task depends upon

Closed by  Dusty Phillips (Dusty)
Sunday, 29 June 2008, 22:24 GMT
Reason for closing:  Upstream
Additional comments about closing:  I'm closing this due to lack of response. hopefully zazzle will be adding paypal integration on their own someday, its more or less an upstream bug.
Comment by Paweł Paprota (yagood) - Sunday, 15 June 2008, 10:29 GMT
Actually, it was me who asked about a way of getting Arch goodies using Paypal as a payment method.

I'm no e-commerce expert but I guess that the lack of Paypal support is a deal breaker for many people. Even if Paypal has higher commission rates, maybe it would be balanced by more people actually buying stuff because Paypal tends to Just Work (tm).
Comment by Simo Leone (neotuli) - Sunday, 15 June 2008, 17:33 GMT
A Dusty appears.
Comment by Dusty Phillips (Dusty) - Thursday, 19 June 2008, 00:08 GMT
Zazzle claims to be "considering" supporting paypal as an option in the future:

"Paypal Integration" is an open enhancement. There are several threads on zazzle discussing this:


I don't know how long it will be before this change is made. I suggest contacting them directly to lend your support to this enhancement request and push it along faster.

An option is to get the paypal credit card plugin: https://www.paypal.com/plugin But I think this is US only. :-(

As for switching companies, the only other one I am aware of is cafepress. I don't think they support paypal payments either, and their merchandise quality is, in my experience, far inferior (plus their royalties are lower and base prices are higher). Judd used cafepress for the original schwag shop, I have a t-shirt from them that I was disappointed with from day one, in comparison to two zazzle shirts I am still delighted with.

There are several other 'cheap custom t-shirt' companies out there, but I don't know of any that offer the product selection that Zazzle and Cafe Press do. I like being able to market other products besides t-shirts; mugs, mousepads, and hoodies all seem to be quite popular. If anyone knows of other companies like zazzle and cafepress, I would be glad to investigate them, please provide me with links.
