#1 [root@DevNull indrek]# pacman -S libxft-lcd resolving dependencies... looking for inter-conflicts... :: libxft-lcd conflicts with libxft. Remove libxft? [Y/n] y error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies) :: pango: requires libxft>=2.1.10 [root@DevNull indrek]# #2 [root@DevNull indrek]# pacman -S cairo-lcd resolving dependencies... looking for inter-conflicts... :: cairo-lcd conflicts with cairo. Remove cairo? [Y/n] y error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies) :: cairomm: requires cairo>=1.4.10 :: pango: requires cairo>=1.4.10 :: poppler: requires cairo>=1.4.12 :: pycairo: requires cairo>=1.4.10 [root@DevNull indrek]# #3 I downloaded both pkgbuilds and patches from cvs. First i tried provider, conflict libxft to change libxft>=2.1.10 [root@DevNull indrek]# pacman -U '/home/indrek/Desktop/lcd2/libxft-lcd-2.1.12-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz' loading package data... done. checking dependencies... error: replacing packages with -A and -U is not supported yet error: you can replace packages manually using -Rd and -U error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies) :: libxft-lcd: conflicts with libxft[root@DevNull indrek]# Probably pacman-devs see that there's a missing \n #4 So Roman adwised to make a repo of myself (new aknowldege) [root@DevNull indrek]# pacman -S repo/libxft-lcd resolving dependencies... looking for inter-conflicts... :: libxft-lcd conflicts with libxft. Remove libxft? [Y/n] y error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies) :: pango: requires libxft>=2.1.10 :: xorg-utils: requires libxft [root@DevNull indrek]# no difference, it sucks in both ways! and probably with cairo-lcd too.