$ pavucontrol Establishing connection to PulseAudio. Please wait... $ pacmd list-cards Daemon not responding. $ pactl list cards Connection failure: Connection refused pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused $ aplay -l **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** -- no output for 5-7 minutes $ sudo alsactl init alsa-lib main.c:761:(execute_sequence) unable to execute cset 'name='Speaker Playback Volume' 60%' alsa-lib main.c:2366:(set_boot_user) Unable to execute boot sequence Found hardware: "sof-hda-dsp" "Realtek ALC256" "HDA:8086280b,80860101,00100000 HDA:10ec0256,1d721901,00100002 cfg-dmics:2" "" "" Hardware is initialized using a generic method /usr/share/alsa/init/default:119: value write error: Input/output error $ pulseaudio --check -- no output and returns exit code 0 Miscellaneous: Playing a Youtube video: player keeps loading and says "If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device" after some time Playing a video(that has audio) with mpv: mpv outputs the audio and video formats and is stuck after that