pacman -S base-devel git git clone git:// --single-branch --branch "packages/linux-firmware" cd packages/trunk/ makepkg -rsi #check linux-firmware 20200519.8ba6fa6-1 you just built and installed has the issue with linux 5.7.5-arch1-1 cd packages/trunk/src/linux-firmware/ git checkout 20200421 cd ../.. makepkg -ersi #check linux-firmware 20200421.78c0348-1 you just built and installed has the issue with linux 5.7.5-arch1-1 cd packages/trunk/src/linux-firmware/ git bisect start git bisect good git bisect bad 20200519 cd ../.. makepkg -ersi #check if linux-firmware 20200517.619d339-1 you just built and installed has the issue with linux 5.7.5-arch1-1 cd packages/trunk/src/linux-firmware/ git bisect $result #where result is bad if the issue is present and good otherwise cd ../.. makepkg -ersi #check if linux-firmware 20200517.619d339-1 you just built and installed has the issue with linux 5.7.5-arch1-1 repeat the previous four steps until git reports the bisection is complete