# Maintainer: Levente Polyak # Contributor: Ionut Biru # Contributor: Allan McRae # Contributor: Alessio 'mOLOk' Bolognino # Contributor: shamrok pkgname=smplayer pkgver=20.4.2 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Media player with built-in codecs that can play virtually all video and audio formats' url='https://www.smplayer.info/' arch=('x86_64') license=('GPL') depends=('qt5-script' 'mpv' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'libx11' 'zlib' 'gcc-libs') makedepends=('qt5-tools') optdepends=('smplayer-themes: icon themes collection' 'smplayer-skins: skin themes collection' 'smtube: browse and play youtube videos' 'youtube-dl: youtube videos and streaming' 'mplayer: alternative multimedia engine') source=(https://downloads.sourceforge.net/${pkgname}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.bz2) sha256sums=('c34fb3f5fbe11f1ed36054f04866ab1e1835e9636d339f07aa8f1c21b0e90d4f') prepare() { cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver} # make build reproducible, we compress ourselves sed '/gzip -9/d' -i Makefile } build() { cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver} export CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS}" make PREFIX=/usr \ DOC_PATH="\\\"/usr/share/doc/smplayer\\\"" \ QMAKE_OPTS=DEFINES+=NO_DEBUG_ON_CONSOLE \ CFLAGS_EXTRA="${CFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS}" } package() { cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver} make DOC_PATH=/usr/share/doc/smplayer \ DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" PREFIX=/usr -j1 install } # vim: ts=2 sw=2 et: