01:01:42 INFO: Run :adblock-update to get adblock lists. 01:01:42 INFO: Run :adblock-update to get adblock lists. 01:01:42 WARNING: Qt WebEngine resources not found at /share/qt/resources. Trying parent directory... 01:01:42 WARNING: Qt WebEngine resources not found at /share/qt/resources. Trying parent directory... 01:01:42 WARNING: Qt WebEngine resources not found at /share/qt. Trying application directory... 01:01:42 WARNING: Qt WebEngine resources not found at /share/qt. Trying application directory... 01:01:42 WARNING: Qt WebEngine resources not found at /usr/bin. Trying fallback directory... The application MAY NOT work. 01:01:42 WARNING: Qt WebEngine resources not found at /usr/bin. Trying fallback directory... The application MAY NOT work. 01:01:42 WARNING: Path override failed for key base::DIR_QT_LIBRARY_DATA and path '/home/tho/.qutebrowser' 01:01:42 WARNING: Path override failed for key base::DIR_QT_LIBRARY_DATA and path '/home/tho/.qutebrowser' 01:01:42 WARNING: Installed Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /share/qt/translations/qtwebengine_locales. Trying application directory... 01:01:42 WARNING: Installed Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /share/qt/translations/qtwebengine_locales. Trying application directory... 01:01:42 WARNING: Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /usr/bin/qtwebengine_locales. Trying fallback directory... Translations MAY NOT not be correct. 01:01:42 WARNING: Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /usr/bin/qtwebengine_locales. Trying fallback directory... Translations MAY NOT not be correct. 01:01:42 WARNING: Path override failed for key ui::DIR_LOCALES and path '/home/tho/.qutebrowser' 01:01:42 WARNING: Path override failed for key ui::DIR_LOCALES and path '/home/tho/.qutebrowser' [0119/010142.328179:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(887)] Failed to load /home/tho/.qutebrowser/qtwebengine_resources.pak Some features may not be available. [0119/010142.328179:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(887)] Failed to load /home/tho/.qutebrowser/qtwebengine_resources.pak Some features may not be available. [0119/010142.328219:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(887)] Failed to load /home/tho/.qutebrowser/qtwebengine_resources_100p.pak Some features may not be available. [0119/010142.328219:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(887)] Failed to load /home/tho/.qutebrowser/qtwebengine_resources_100p.pak Some features may not be available. [0119/010142.328225:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(887)] Failed to load /home/tho/.qutebrowser/qtwebengine_resources_200p.pak Some features may not be available. [0119/010142.328225:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(887)] Failed to load /home/tho/.qutebrowser/qtwebengine_resources_200p.pak Some features may not be available. [0119/010142.329092:WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(117)] locale_file_path.empty() for locale [0119/010142.329092:WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(117)] locale_file_path.empty() for locale Qt WebEngine resources not found at /share/qt/resources. Trying parent directory... Qt WebEngine resources not found at /share/qt. Trying application directory... Qt WebEngine resources not found at /usr/lib/qt/libexec. Trying fallback directory... The application MAY NOT work. Path override failed for key base::DIR_QT_LIBRARY_DATA and path '/home/tho/.QtWebEngineProcess' Installed Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /share/qt/translations/qtwebengine_locales. Trying application directory... Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /usr/lib/qt/libexec/qtwebengine_locales. Trying fallback directory... Translations MAY NOT not be correct. Qt WebEngine resources not found at /share/qt/resources. Trying parent directory... Qt WebEngine resources not found at /share/qt. Trying application directory... Qt WebEngine resources not found at /usr/lib/qt/libexec. Trying fallback directory... The application MAY NOT work. Path override failed for key base::DIR_QT_LIBRARY_DATA and path '/home/tho/.QtWebEngineProcess' Installed Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /share/qt/translations/qtwebengine_locales. Trying application directory... Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /usr/lib/qt/libexec/qtwebengine_locales. Trying fallback directory... Translations MAY NOT not be correct. Path override failed for key ui::DIR_LOCALES and path '/home/tho/.QtWebEngineProcess' Path override failed for key ui::DIR_LOCALES and path '/home/tho/.QtWebEngineProcess' [0119/010142.380068:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(887)] Failed to load /home/tho/.QtWebEngineProcess/qtwebengine_resources.pak Some features may not be available. [0119/010142.380112:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(887)] Failed to load /home/tho/.QtWebEngineProcess/qtwebengine_resources_100p.pak Some features may not be available. [0119/010142.380118:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(887)] Failed to load /home/tho/.QtWebEngineProcess/qtwebengine_resources_200p.pak Some features may not be available. [0119/010142.380068:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(887)] Failed to load /home/tho/.QtWebEngineProcess/qtwebengine_resources.pak Some features may not be available. [0119/010142.380112:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(887)] Failed to load /home/tho/.QtWebEngineProcess/qtwebengine_resources_100p.pak Some features may not be available. [0119/010142.380118:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(887)] Failed to load /home/tho/.QtWebEngineProcess/qtwebengine_resources_200p.pak Some features may not be available. [0119/010142.381049:WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(117)] locale_file_path.empty() for locale [0119/010142.381049:WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(117)] locale_file_path.empty() for locale [48759:48759:0119/010142.394464:ERROR:extension_system_qt.cpp(122)] Failed to parse extension manifest. [48759:48759:0119/010142.394464:ERROR:extension_system_qt.cpp(122)] Failed to parse extension manifest.