# Maintainer: Giovanni Scafora # Contributor: BlackEagle < ike DOT devolder AT gmail DOT com > # Contributor: Preecha Patumchareonpol pkgname=podofo pkgver=0.9.6 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="A C++ library to work with the PDF file format" arch=('x86_64') url="http://podofo.sourceforge.net" license=('GPL') depends=('lua' 'openssl' 'fontconfig' 'libtiff' 'libidn' 'libjpeg-turbo') makedepends=('cmake' 'subversion') source=("svn+https://svn.code.sf.net/p/podofo/code/podofo#revision=1931") md5sums=('SKIP') _backports=(1933 #CVE-2017-7381 AVG-216 1936 #CVE-2017-7382 AVG-216 1937 #CVE-2017-7383 AVG-216 1938 #CVE-2018-11256 1941 #CVE-2017-8054 CVE-2018-11254 1942 #cmake3-12 compatibility 1943 #pkgconfig fixes generated .pc 1945 #openssl1-1-0g 1948 #CVE-2018-12982 1949 #CVE-2018-5783 1950 #CVE-2018-19532 1952 #CVE-2018-11255 1953 #CVE-2018-14320 1954 #CVE-2018-20751 AVG-867 1963 #heapoverflow 1969 #CVE-2019-9687 1971 #CVE-2019-9199 1986 #nullptr 1991 #nullptr 1994 #infinite recursion 1995 #nullptr #1996 #nullptr #only needed if 1990 is backported #1997 #nullptr #only needed if 1990 is backported ) prepare() { cd $pkgname/trunk local _r for _r in "${_backports[@]}"; do svn merge -c $_r ^/podofo/trunk done } build() { cd $pkgname/trunk mkdir -p build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .. \ -DFREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/freetype2 \ -DPODOFO_BUILD_SHARED=1 \ -DPODOFO_HAVE_JPEG_LIB=1 \ -DPODOFO_HAVE_PNG_LIB=1 \ -DPODOFO_HAVE_TIFF_LIB=1 make } package() { cd $pkgname/trunk/build make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install }