xfreerdp --help FreeRDP - A Free Remote Desktop Protocol Client See http://www.freerdp.com for more information Usage: xfreerdp [options] server:port -0: connect to console session -a: set color depth in bits, default is 16 -c: shell working directory -D: hide window decorations -T: window title -d: domain -f: fullscreen mode -g: set geometry, using format WxH or X% or 'workarea', default is 1024x768 -h: print this help -k: set keyboard layout ID -K: do not interfere with window manager bindings (don't grab keyboard) -n: hostname -o: console audio -p: password -s: set startup-shell -t: alternative port number, default is 3389 -u: username -x: performance flags (m[odem], b[roadband] l[an], or a bit-mask) -X: embed into another window with a given XID. -z: enable compression --app: RemoteApp connection. This implies -g workarea --ext: load an extension --no-auth: disable authentication --authonly: authentication only, no UI --from-stdin: unspecified username, password, domain and hostname params are prompted --help: print this help --no-fastpath: disable fast-path --gdi: graphics rendering (hw, sw) --no-motion: don't send mouse motion events --no-osb: disable offscreen bitmaps --no-bmp-cache: disable bitmap cache --plugin: load a virtual channel plugin --rfx: enable RemoteFX --rfx-mode: RemoteFX operational flags (v[ideo], i[mage]), default is video --nsc: enable NSCodec (experimental) --disable-wallpaper: disables wallpaper --composition: enable desktop composition --disable-full-window-drag: disables full window drag --disable-menu-animations: disables menu animations --disable-theming: disables theming --kbd-list: list all keyboard layout ids used by -k --no-rdp: disable Standard RDP encryption --no-tls: disable TLS encryption --no-nla: disable network level authentication --ntlm: force NTLM authentication protocol version (1 or 2) --certificate-name: use the argument as the logon certificate, instead of the server name --ignore-certificate: ignore verification of logon certificate --sec: force protocol security (rdp, tls or nla) --secure-checksum: use salted checksums with Standard RDP encryption --version: print version information