#0 0xb77d17e0 in g_bit_lock (address=0x10, lock_bit=0) at gbitlock.c:217 No locals. #1 0xb7836f2a in g_variant_lock (value=) at gvariant-core.c:221 No locals. #2 0xb78375d6 in g_variant_n_children (value=0x0) at gvariant-core.c:858 n_children = #3 0xb783764e in g_variant_get_child_value (value=0x0, index_=0) at gvariant-core.c:900 _g_boolean_var_ = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_variant_get_child_value" #4 0x0807d77d in gtr_inhibit_hibernation (cookie=0x817844c) at tr-core.c:1404 success = connection = 0x8150828 err = 0x83eb210 reason = 0x80e2583 "BitTorrent Activity" flags = 4 response = 0x0 application = 0x80e2688 "Transmission BitTorrent Client" toplevel_xid = 0 #5 gtr_core_set_hibernation_allowed (allowed=, core=0x8178418) at tr-core.c:1471 No locals. #6 core_maybe_inhibit_hibernation (core=0x8178418) at tr-core.c:1486 hibernation_allowed = #7 0x0807dc5b in gtr_core_update (core=0x8178418) at tr-core.c:1370 iter = {stamp = 0, user_data = 0x8106d48, user_data2 = 0x0, user_data3 = 0x0} model = 0x8146048 #8 0x0807dc76 in gtr_core_torrents_added (self=0x8178418) at tr-core.c:1216 No locals. #9 0x080719c1 in app_setup (cbdata=0xbffff888, wind=0x836da20) at main.c:679 No locals. #10 on_startup (application=0x8107650, user_data=0xbffff888) at main.c:516 str = win = 0x836da20 ui_manager = session = 0x815a7c0 cbdata = 0xbffff888 #11 0xb78c8b41 in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID (closure=0x814e438, return_value=0x0, n_param_values=1, param_values=0x8106d18, invocation_hint=0xbffff4f8, marshal_data=0x0) at gmarshal.c:85 callback = 0x807171b cc = 0x814e438 data1 = 0x8107650 data2 = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID" #12 0xb78c76d0 in g_closure_invoke (closure=0x814e438, return_value=0x0, n_param_values=1, param_values=0x8106d18, invocation_hint=0xbffff4f8) at gclosure.c:774 marshal = 0xb78c8ab8 marshal_data = 0x0 in_marshal = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_closure_invoke" #13 0xb78d9dd9 in signal_emit_unlocked_R (node=0x814e250, detail=0, instance=0x8107650, emission_return=0x0, instance_and_params=0x8106d18) at gsignal.c:3272 tmp = handler = 0x8133d40 accumulator = 0x0 emission = {next = 0x0, instance = 0x8107650, ihint = {signal_id = 15, detail = 0, run_type = G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST}, state = EMISSION_RUN, chain_type = 4} class_closure = 0x810b6d0 hlist = 0x814e4d0 handler_list = 0x8133d40 return_accu = 0x0 accu = {g_type = 0, data = {{v_int = 0, v_uint = 0, v_long = 0, v_ulong = 0, v_int64 = 0, v_uint64 = 0, v_float = 0, v_double = 0, v_pointer = 0x0}, {v_int = 0, v_uint = 0, v_long = 0, v_ulong = 0, v_int64 = 0, v_uint64 = 0, v_float = 0, v_double = 0, v_pointer = 0x0}}} signal_id = 15 max_sequential_handler_number = 7 return_value_altered = 0 #14 0xb78e238d in g_signal_emit_valist (instance=0x8107650, signal_id=15, detail=0, var_args=0xbffff6ac "\200v\020\b") at gsignal.c:3003 instance_and_params = 0x8106d18 signal_return_type = 4 param_values = 0x8106d2c node = 0x814e250 i = n_params = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_signal_emit_valist" #15 0xb78e2625 in g_signal_emit (instance=0x8107650, signal_id=15, detail=0) at gsignal.c:3060 var_args = 0xbffff6ac "\200v\020\b" #16 0xb79955ec in g_application_register (application=0x8107650, cancellable=0x0, error=0xbffff6fc) at gapplication.c:1025 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_application_register" #17 0xb799590a in g_application_real_local_command_line ( application=0x8107650, arguments=0xbffff744, exit_status=0xbffff748) at gapplication.c:291 error = 0x0 n_args = #18 0xb7995c33 in g_application_run (application=0x8107650, argc=1, argv=0xbffff984) at gapplication.c:1274 arguments = 0x814e4b8 status = i = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_application_run" #19 0x08072890 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff984) at main.c:644 ret = sb = {st_dev = 2055, __pad1 = 0, __st_ino = 3265865, st_mode = 16877, st_nlink = 5, st_uid = 1000, st_gid = 100, st_rdev = 0, __pad2 = 0, st_size = 4096, st_blksize = 4096, st_blocks = 8, st_atim = { tv_sec = 1308640674, tv_nsec = 170942744}, st_mtim = { tv_sec = 1318193618, tv_nsec = 976207117}, st_ctim = { tv_sec = 1318193618, tv_nsec = 976207117}, st_ino = 3265865} application_id = 0x810bd80 "com.transmissionbt.transmission_2055_3265865" app = 0x8107650 option_context = show_version = false error = 0x0 cbdata = { config_dir = 0x8105048 "/home/photon-new/.config/transmission", start_paused = 0, is_iconified = 0, timer = 0, update_model_soon_tag = 0, refresh_actions_tag = 0, icon = 0x0, wind = 0x0, core = 0x8178418, msgwin = 0x0, prefs = 0x0, error_list = 0x0, duplicates_list = 0x0, details = 0x0, sel = 0x0, quit_dialog = 0x0} option_entries = {{long_name = 0x80e0178 "config-dir", short_name = 103 'g', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, arg_data = 0xbffff888, description = 0x80e1528 "Where to look for configuration files", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x80e0183 "paused", short_name = 112 'p', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0xbffff88c, description = 0x80e1550 "Start with all torrents paused", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x80e018a "minimized", short_name = 109 'm', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0xbffff890, description = 0x80e1570 "Start minimized in notification area", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x80e54e3 "version", short_name = 118 'v', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0xbffff8cf, description = 0x80e0194 "Show version number and exit", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x0, short_name = 0 '\000', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0x0, description = 0x0, arg_description = 0x0}} A debugging session is active. Inferior 1 [process 1264] will be killed. Quit anyway? (y or n)