[DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_configure exit state was 0 [LOG] 2010-06-01 18:56:49 *** Executing worker intro [DEBUG UI ] notify: Welcome to the Arch Linux Installation program. The install process is fairly straightforward, and you should run through the options in the order they are presented. If you are unfamiliar with partitioning/making filesystems, you may want to consult some documentation before continuing. You can view all output from commands by viewing your VC7 console (ALT-F7). ALT-F1 will bring you back here. Note that despite our careful coding and proper testing there may still be bugs in this software. When you are doing this installation on a system where some data must be preserved, we suggest you make a backup first [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_intro exit state was 0 [LOG] 2010-06-01 18:56:51 *** Executing worker sysprep [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_sysprep exit state was 0 [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: 1, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (MAIN MENU) [LOG] 2010-06-01 18:56:52 *** Executing worker select_source [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: net, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (Source selection) [DEBUG UI ] notify: If you wish to load your ethernet modules manually, please do so now in an another terminal. [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_select_source exit state was 0 [LOG] 2010-06-01 18:56:56 *** Executing worker select_source_extras_menu [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: 1, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (NET (HTTP/FTP) Installation) [LOG] 2010-06-01 18:56:57 *** Executing worker runtime_network [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: eth0, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (Interface selection) [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_yesno: User picked YES [DEBUG UI ] inform: Please wait. Polling for DHCP server on eth0... [DEBUG UI ] notify: The network is configured. [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_runtime_network exit state was 0 [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: 2, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (NET (HTTP/FTP) Installation) [LOG] 2010-06-01 18:57:08 *** Executing worker select_mirror [DEBUG UI ] notify: Keep in mind ftp.archlinux.org is throttled. Please select another mirror to get full download speed. [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: ftp://mirrors.kernel.org, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (Mirror selection) [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_select_mirror exit state was 0 [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: 3, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (NET (HTTP/FTP) Installation) [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_select_mirror exit state was 0 [LOG] 2010-06-01 18:57:13 *** Executing worker runtime_packages [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_runtime_packages exit state was 0 [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: 2, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (MAIN MENU) [LOG] 2010-06-01 18:57:14 *** Executing worker set_clock [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: 1, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (Date/time configuration) [LOG] 2010-06-01 18:57:15 *** Executing worker interactive_timezone [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: America, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (Please select a region) [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: New_York, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (Please select a timezone) [DEBUG UI ] inform: Setting Timezone to America/New_York [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_interactive_timezone exit state was 0 [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: 2, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (Date/time configuration) [DEBUG MAIN ] Ended_ok? -> Exit state of worker_interactive_timezone was: 0 (if empty. it's not executed yet) [LOG] 2010-06-01 14:57:25 *** Executing worker interactive_time [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: localtime, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (Clock configuration) [DEBUG UI ] inform: Resetting hardware clock adjustment file [DEBUG UI ] inform: Syncing clocks (hctosys), hc being localtime ... [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: return, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (Date/time configuration) [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_interactive_time exit state was 0 [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: 3, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (Date/time configuration) [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_interactive_time exit state was 0 [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: 3, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (MAIN MENU) [LOG] 2010-06-01 18:57:37 *** Executing worker prepare_disks [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: 1, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (Prepare Hard Drive) [DEBUG UI ] _dia_ask_number: user entered: 100 [DEBUG UI ] _dia_ask_number: user entered: 1024 [DEBUG UI ] _dia_ask_number: user entered: 10000 [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_yesno: User picked YES [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: ext4, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (Filesystem selection) [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_yesno: User picked YES [DEBUG UI ] inform: Partitioning /dev/sda [DEBUG FS ] Partition called like: partition '/dev/sda' '100:ext2:+ 1024:swap 10000:ext4 *:ext4' [DEBUG UI ] inform: Disabling all swapspace... [DEBUG FS ] Partition calls: sfdisk /dev/sda -uM >/dev/tty7 2>&1 <<< ,100,,* ,1024,S ,10000, ,, [DEBUG FS ] process_filesystems Called. checking all entries in /tmp/aif/aif-blockdata [DEBUG UI ] inform: Phase 1: Creating filesystems & blockdevices [DEBUG FS ] /dev/sda1 ext2 /boot no_opts no_label no_params ->Still need to do it: Making the filesystem on a non-pv volume [DEBUG UI ] inform: Making ext2 filesystem on /dev/sda1 [DEBUG FS ] process_filesystem /dev/sda1 [DEBUG FS ] /dev/sda2 swap no_mountpoint no_opts no_label no_params ->Still need to do it: Making the filesystem on a non-pv volume [DEBUG UI ] inform: Making swap filesystem on /dev/sda2 [DEBUG FS ] process_filesystem /dev/sda2 [DEBUG FS ] /dev/sda3 ext4 / no_opts no_label no_params ->Still need to do it: Making the filesystem on a non-pv volume [DEBUG UI ] inform: Making ext4 filesystem on /dev/sda3 [DEBUG FS ] process_filesystem /dev/sda3 [DEBUG FS ] /dev/sda4 ext4 /home no_opts no_label no_params ->Still need to do it: Making the filesystem on a non-pv volume [DEBUG UI ] inform: Making ext4 filesystem on /dev/sda4 [DEBUG FS ] process_filesystem /dev/sda4 [DEBUG UI ] inform: Phase 2: Mounting filesystems [DEBUG UI ] inform: Mounting /dev/sda3 (ext4) on / [DEBUG FS ] process_filesystem /dev/sda3 [DEBUG FS ] mounting /dev/sda3 on /mnt/ [DEBUG UI ] inform: Mounting /dev/sda1 (ext2) on /boot [DEBUG FS ] process_filesystem /dev/sda1 [DEBUG FS ] mounting /dev/sda1 on /mnt/boot [DEBUG UI ] inform: Mounting /dev/sda4 (ext4) on /home [DEBUG FS ] process_filesystem /dev/sda4 [DEBUG FS ] mounting /dev/sda4 on /mnt/home [DEBUG UI ] inform: Swaponning /dev/sda2 [DEBUG FS ] process_filesystem /dev/sda2 [DEBUG FS ] swaponning /dev/sda2 [DEBUG UI ] inform: Done processing filesystems/blockdevices [DEBUG UI ] notify: Auto-prepare was successful [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: 5, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (Prepare Hard Drive) [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_prepare_disks exit state was 0 [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: 4, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (MAIN MENU) [DEBUG MAIN ] Ended_ok? -> Exit state of worker_prepare_disks was: 0 (if empty. it's not executed yet) [DEBUG MAIN ] Ended_ok? -> Exit state of worker_select_source was: 0 (if empty. it's not executed yet) [LOG] 2010-06-01 18:58:56 *** Executing worker package_list [DEBUG MAIN ] Ended_ok? -> Exit state of worker_package_list was: (if empty. it's not executed yet) [DEBUG UI ] inform: Refreshing package database... [DEBUG UI ] notify: Package selection is split into two stages. First you will select package groups that contain packages you may be interested in. Then you will be presented with a full list of packages for each group, allowing you to fine-tune. Note that right now the packages (and groups) selection is limited to the repos available at this time (core). One you have your Arch system up and running, you have access to more repositories and packages. [DEBUG UI ] _dia_ask_checklist: user checked ON: "base" "base-devel" [DEBUG UI ] _dia_ask_checklist: user checked ON: "attr" "bash" "binutils" "bzip2" "coreutils" "cryptsetup" "dash" "dcron" "device-mapper" "dhcpcd" "diffutils" "e2fsprogs" "file" "filesystem" "findutils" "gawk" "gcc-libs" "gen-init-cpio" "gettext" "glibc" "grep" "grub" "gzip" "initscripts" "iputils" "jfsutils" "kernel26" "kernel26-firmware" "less" "libusb" "licenses" "logrotate" "lvm2" "lzo2" "mailx" "man-db" "man-pages" "mdadm" "module-init-tools" "nano" "net-tools" "pacman" "pacman-mirrorlist" "pam" "pciutils" "pcmciautils" "perl" "ppp" "procps" "psmisc" "reiserfsprogs" "rp-pppoe" "sed" "shadow" "sysfsutils" "syslog-ng" "sysvinit" "tar" "tcp_wrappers" "texinfo" "udev" "usbutils" "util-linux-ng" "vi" "wget" "which" "wpa_supplicant" "xfsprogs" "autoconf" "automake" "bin86" "bison" "ed" "fakeroot" "flex" "gcc" "libtool" "m4" "make" "patch" "pkgconfig" "openssh" "openssl" "readline" "sqlite3" "zlib" [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_package_list exit state was 0 [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: 5, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (MAIN MENU) [DEBUG MAIN ] Ended_ok? -> Exit state of worker_package_list was: 0 (if empty. it's not executed yet) [DEBUG MAIN ] Ended_ok? -> Exit state of worker_select_source was: 0 (if empty. it's not executed yet) [LOG] 2010-06-01 19:00:32 *** Executing worker install_packages [DEBUG UI ] notify: Package installation will begin now. You can watch the output in the progress window. Please be patient. [DEBUG MISC ] run_background called. identifier: pacman_installpkg, command: pacman --root /mnt --config /tmp/pacman.conf --noconfirm -S "attr" "bash" "binutils" "bzip2" "coreutils" "cryptsetup" "dash" "dcron" "device-mapper" "dhcpcd" "diffutils" "e2fsprogs" "file" "filesystem" "findutils" "gawk" "gcc-libs" "gen-init-cpio" "gettext" "glibc" "grep" "grub" "gzip" "initscripts" "iputils" "jfsutils" "kernel26" "kernel26-firmware" "less" "libusb" "licenses" "logrotate" "lvm2" "lzo2" "mailx" "man-db" "man-pages" "mdadm" "module-init-tools" "nano" "net-tools" "pacman" "pacman-mirrorlist" "pam" "pciutils" "pcmciautils" "perl" "ppp" "procps" "psmisc" "reiserfsprogs" "rp-pppoe" "sed" "shadow" "sysfsutils" "syslog-ng" "sysvinit" "tar" "tcp_wrappers" "texinfo" "udev" "usbutils" "util-linux-ng" "vi" "wget" "which" "wpa_supplicant" "xfsprogs" "autoconf" "automake" "bin86" "bison" "ed" "fakeroot" "flex" "gcc" "libtool" "m4" "make" "patch" "pkgconfig" "openssh" "openssl" "readline" "sqlite3" "zlib", logfile: /var/log/aif/pacman.log [DEBUG MISC ] run_background starting pacman_installpkg: pacman --root /mnt --config /tmp/pacman.conf --noconfirm -S "attr" "bash" "binutils" "bzip2" "coreutils" "cryptsetup" "dash" "dcron" "device-mapper" "dhcpcd" "diffutils" "e2fsprogs" "file" "filesystem" "findutils" "gawk" "gcc-libs" "gen-init-cpio" "gettext" "glibc" "grep" "grub" "gzip" "initscripts" "iputils" "jfsutils" "kernel26" "kernel26-firmware" "less" "libusb" "licenses" "logrotate" "lvm2" "lzo2" "mailx" "man-db" "man-pages" "mdadm" "module-init-tools" "nano" "net-tools" "pacman" "pacman-mirrorlist" "pam" "pciutils" "pcmciautils" "perl" "ppp" "procps" "psmisc" "reiserfsprogs" "rp-pppoe" "sed" "shadow" "sysfsutils" "syslog-ng" "sysvinit" "tar" "tcp_wrappers" "texinfo" "udev" "usbutils" "util-linux-ng" "vi" "wget" "which" "wpa_supplicant" "xfsprogs" "autoconf" "automake" "bin86" "bison" "ed" "fakeroot" "flex" "gcc" "libtool" "m4" "make" "patch" "pkgconfig" "openssh" "openssl" "readline" "sqlite3" "zlib" >>/var/log/aif/pacman.log 2>&1 [DEBUG MISC ] run_background done with pacman_installpkg: exitcode ($pacman_installpkg_exitcode): .Logfile /var/log/aif/pacman.log [DEBUG UI ] show_warning 'Installation Complete': /var/log/aif/pacman.log (text) [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_install_packages exit state was 0 [LOG] 2010-06-01 19:11:19 *** Executing worker auto_fstab [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_auto_fstab exit state was 1 [LOG] 2010-06-01 19:11:19 *** Executing worker auto_locale [DEBUG UI ] inform: Generating glibc base locales... [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_auto_locale exit state was 127 [LOG] 2010-06-01 19:11:20 *** Executing worker auto_keymap_font [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_auto_keymap_font exit state was 1 [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: 6, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (MAIN MENU) [DEBUG MAIN ] Ended_ok? -> Exit state of worker_install_packages was: 0 (if empty. it's not executed yet) [LOG] 2010-06-01 19:11:23 *** Executing worker auto_network [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_yesno: User picked YES [DEBUG UI ] show_warning 'Automatic network settings propagation failed': Failed to import current network settings into target system (msg) [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_auto_network exit state was 1 [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: 6, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (MAIN MENU) [DEBUG MAIN ] Ended_ok? -> Exit state of worker_install_packages was: 0 (if empty. it's not executed yet) [LOG] 2010-06-01 19:11:33 *** Executing worker auto_network [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_yesno: User picked YES [DEBUG UI ] show_warning 'Automatic network settings propagation failed': Failed to import current network settings into target system (msg) [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_auto_network exit state was 1 [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: 6, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (MAIN MENU) [DEBUG MAIN ] Ended_ok? -> Exit state of worker_install_packages was: 0 (if empty. it's not executed yet) [LOG] 2010-06-01 19:11:36 *** Executing worker auto_network [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_yesno: User picked NO [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_auto_network exit state was 0 [LOG] 2010-06-01 19:11:39 *** Executing worker configure_system [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: vi, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (Text editor selection) [DEBUG PROCEDURE ] Adding choosen mirror (ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/archlinux/$repo/os/i686) to /mnt//etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist [DEBUG FS ] Finding anchestor for: ;/; [DEBUG FS ] Found anchestors: /dev/sda3 raw [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: /etc/rc.conf, returncode (skip/cancel): 0 (Configuration) [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: , returncode (skip/cancel): 1 (Configuration) [DEBUG MAIN ] Execute(): worker_configure_system exit state was 1 [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_option: ANSWER_OPTION: , returncode (skip/cancel): 1 (MAIN MENU) [DEBUG UI ] dia_ask_yesno: User picked YES [LOG] 2010-06-01 19:12:01 -------------- STOPPING INSTALLATION ----------