# Maintainer: Kaiting Chen # Add Ruby, Tcl, and Python support # Use /usr/share/vim for everything # Install color schemes # Install Marty Grenfell scripts pkgdesc='Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor' url="http://www.vim.org" pkgname='vim-full' _version='7.2' _patch='284' pkgver=${_version}.${_patch} pkgrel='1' arch=('i686') license=('custom:vim') replaces=('vim=7.2' 'vi' 'nvi') provides=('vim=7.2' 'vi' 'nvi') depends=('gpm' 'coreutils' 'perl' 'ruby' 'python' 'vim-surround' 'vim-matchit' 'vim-vcscommand' 'vim-project' 'vim-rails' 'vim-supertab' 'vim-taglist' 'vimpager') makedepends=('wget' 'sed' 'grep' 'gettext' 'perl') backup=(etc/vimrc) install=${pkgname}.install md5sums=('f0901284b338e448bfd79ccca0041254' 'd8884786979e0e520c112faf2e176f05' '35e04482f07c57221c9a751aaa3b8dac' '29c9c0125552aaffb23df8084de288fc' '3bd594e85610d8d723084f5544d4b3fd' 'a359ce8f9bf5ccf238a53df5dd94725a' '7b9ce214633c0dbb3a81eaed0fdf82d1' 'd70e5c834e6915371eb45238eb3c8945' 'efbd5986e691ce8c876fb86e8f5961ea' 'f4639ddafc68f49395c25fb4caf0d6f7' '2d0fd8cb3ee4ec7052c23d0e1060eca0' '10353a61aadc3f276692d0e17db1478e' '083622bede99d6500670e4527a453154') _mirror='http://www.gtlib.gatech.edu/pub' _source1='ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim' _source2="${_mirror}/gentoo/distfiles" _source3='http://www.vim.org/scripts' source=("${_source1}/unix/vim-${_version}.tar.bz2" "${_source1}/extra/vim-${_version}-lang.tar.gz" "${_source1}/extra/vim-${_version}-extra.tar.gz" "${_source2}/colorschemes-20090118.tar.bz2" "${_source3}/download_script.php?src_id=10775" "${_source3}/download_script.php?src_id=11500" "${_source3}/download_script.php?src_id=11172" "${_source3}/download_script.php?src_id=10318" LICENSE.nt LICENSE.csp vimrc default.vim vim-ruby19.patch) build() { _srcdir="vim$(echo ${_version} | sed 's/\.//')" cd ${srcdir}/${_srcdir} # apply all of the available patches on the site _md5sums="${_source1}/patches/${_version}/MD5SUMS" curl ${_md5sums} | sed -e '/.gz$/d' > MD5SUMS _srcurl="${_source1}/patches/${_version}/" # download the patches in parallel cat MD5SUMS | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed -e \ "s|^|${_srcurl}|" | xargs -P 0 -r -n 1 wget -nv md5sum -c MD5SUMS > /dev/null || return 1 for file in $(cat MD5SUMS | awk '{ print $2 }') do patch -p0 < $file > vim.full.patch.log; done patch -p1 < ../vim-ruby19.patch # remove aap files not needed for our scheme find -name \*.aap -exec rm {} \; # apply these settings for the vimrc file for conf in 'VIMRC_FILE' 'GVIMRC_FILE' \ 'SYS_VIMRC_FILE' 'SYS_GVIMRC_FILE'; do sed -ie "/#define $conf/s:/\* ::" src/feature.h sed -ie "/#define $conf/s: \*/::" src/feature.h done ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --localstatedir=/var/lib/vim \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --with-features=huge \ --enable-gpm --enable-acl \ --with-x=yes --enable-gui=gtk2 \ --enable-multibyte \ --enable-cscope \ --enable-perlinterp \ --enable-rubyinterp \ --enable-tclinterp \ --enable-pythoninterp \ --with-compiledby="Kaiting Chen" \ --with-global-runtime=/usr/share/vim make || return 1 make VIMRCLOC=/etc DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install cd ${pkgdir}/usr/bin # create the archlinux symlinks relink='vim rview rvim vimdiff' mv vim vim-normal for i in $relink; do ln -sf vim-normal $i; done # update the runtime files cd ${pkgdir}/usr/share/vim/${_srcdir} rsync -rlDEzc --delete \ --exclude='dos' \ --exclude='doc/tags' \ ftp.nluug.nl::Vim/runtime/ . find -name \*.aap -exec rm {} \; # merge the runtime directory cd ${pkgdir}/usr/share/vim mv ${_srcdir}/* . rmdir $_srcdir ln -s . $_srcdir ln -s . vimfiles # install the vim color sampler pack from scripts _file='download_script.php?src_id=10775' cd ${srcdir} mv $_file ColorSamplerPack.zip unzip -qqo ColorSamplerPack.zip cd colors; for i in *; do [ ! -e "${pkgdir}/usr/share/vim/colors/$i" ] && install -m644 $i ${pkgdir}/usr/share/vim/colors done # install the gentoo color schemes cd "${srcdir}/colorschemes-20090118" for i in patches/*; do patch -p0 < $i; done cd colors; for i in *; do [ ! -e "${pkgdir}/usr/share/vim/colors/$i" ] && install -m644 $i ${pkgdir}/usr/share/vim/colors done # install the Marty Grenfell plugins _file='download_script.php?src_id=11172' mv "${srcdir}/${_file}" ${srcdir}/syntastic.zip cd ${pkgdir}/usr/share/vim unzip ${srcdir}/syntastic.zip _file='download_script.php?src_id=11500' mv "${srcdir}/${_file}" ${srcdir}/nerdtree.zip cd ${pkgdir}/usr/share/vim unzip ${srcdir}/nerdtree.zip _file='download_script.php?src_id=10318' mv "${srcdir}/${_file}" ${srcdir}/commenter.zip cd ${pkgdir}/usr/share/vim unzip ${srcdir}/commenter.zip # move some directories around _rx1='s:syntax_checkers:syntastic:g' _rx2='s:nerdtree_plugin:nerdtree:g' mv nerdtree_plugin nerdtree mv syntax_checkers syntastic sed -i -e "$_rx1" plugin/syntastic.vim sed -i -e "$_rx2" plugin/NERD_tree.vim # install licenses and vimrc files and such install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/LICENSE.csp \ ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/vim/LICENSE.csp install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/LICENSE.nt \ ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/vim/LICENSE.nt cd ${srcdir}/${_versiondir} install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/vim ln -s ../../vim/doc/uganda.txt \ ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/vim/license.txt install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/default.vim \ ${pkgdir}/usr/share/vim/default.vim install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/vimrc ${pkgdir}/etc/vimrc }