# $Id: PKGBUILD 67033 2010-02-02 13:07:05Z giovanni $ # Contributer: Jason Chu # Maintainer: Juergen Hoetzel # Contributor: Bogdan Szczurek pkgname=kismet _realver='2010-07-R1' pkgver="${_realver//-/_}" pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://www.kismetwireless.net/" license=('GPL') depends=('libcap' 'libnl' 'pcre' 'ncurses' 'libpcap>=1.0.0' 'bluez' 'openssl') optdepends=('gpsd: log coordinates of detected networks' 'wireshark: provide OUI files used to determine device manufacturer' 'wireshark: mergecap, to merge multiple capture files' 'sox: provide the default kismet sound playback binary' 'festival: text-to-speech support' 'flite: alternative/lightweight text-to-speech support') backup=('etc/kismet.conf' 'etc/kismet_drone.conf') options=() install='kismet.install' source=("http://www.kismetwireless.net/code/kismet-$_realver.tar.gz") md5sums=('85e59186eb529889118b5635f35cf57d') build() { cd "$srcdir/kismet-$_realver" ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --localstatedir=/var || return 1 make dep || return 1 make || return 1 make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install || return 1 # Include plugins bundled with kismet make plugins || return 1 make plugins-install DESTDIR="$pkgdir" || return 1 # the README is very comprehensive, a good idea to include it install -D -m 644 "$srcdir/kismet-$_realver/README" "$pkgdir/usr/share/kismet/README" # Our own suid-install, first half (see kismet.install) install -o "root" -g "root" -m 4550 kismet_capture "$pkgdir/usr/bin/" }