FS#9792 - makepkg can't extract files from archives using bsdtar (xpi files)

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Vytautas (GODhack) - Saturday, 08 March 2008, 22:30 GMT
Last edited by Aaron Griffin (phrakture) - Friday, 11 April 2008, 20:40 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Core
Status Closed
Assigned To Aaron Griffin (phrakture)
Architecture All
Severity Medium
Priority Normal
Reported Version 2007.08-2
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No


makepkg can't extract files from archives using bsdtar (xpi files)

Additional info:
* package version(s)
libarchive/bsdtar 2.4.12
* also look "fixed":  FS#9562  - [libarchive-2.4.11-1] bsdtar is broken (?)

Steps to reproduce:
1)wget https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/downloads/file/23696/lithuanian_spellchecking_dictionary_____lietuvi___kalbos_ra__ybos_tikrinimo___odynas-1.2-fx+tb+sm.xpi
2)bsdtar -x -f lithuanian*
This task depends upon

Closed by  Aaron Griffin (phrakture)
Friday, 11 April 2008, 20:40 GMT
Reason for closing:  Not a bug
Additional comments about closing:  See last comment
Comment by Dan McGee (toofishes) - Monday, 07 April 2008, 00:33 GMT
I'm really not sure what you want me to do with this- bsdtar can handle 90% of zip files out there, but it does have issues with some due to the steam-oriented way libarchive works.

Easiest way to solve problems related to this:
1. Add the 'broken' zip file to the noextract=() array.
2. Add unzip as a makedepend.
3. Unzip the xpi/zip manually.
Comment by Vytautas (GODhack) - Friday, 11 April 2008, 16:03 GMT
Your solution is good for all distros, but not for ArchLinux.
I want to use AUR. And "manually" is not possible there.
Comment by Aaron Griffin (phrakture) - Friday, 11 April 2008, 19:11 GMT
Manually is more than possible. Extract it with unzip in the build() section of the PGKBUILD, or contact the upstream owners of this xpi.
Comment by Vytautas (GODhack) - Friday, 11 April 2008, 19:45 GMT
I know this myself.
But I do not know what to do if I want to submit this thing latter to AUR site???

Maybe I should sent link to here instead of PKGBUILD?
Comment by Vytautas (GODhack) - Friday, 11 April 2008, 19:49 GMT
Ahh sry I understood now. :)
Comment by Aaron Griffin (phrakture) - Friday, 11 April 2008, 19:50 GMT
No... you... put the instructions in the PKGBUILD. If you submit it to the AUR then it will still be in the PKGBUILD. I'm really confused by what you want...

Even some official PKGBUILDs have things like so:

build() {
cd $startdir/
[ -d $pkgname ] || unzip $pkgname.zip
...normal build steps...

If this doesn't make sense, I really don't know what else to tell you. This is not a bug. It can be corrected in less than a second with a one line addition to the PKGBUILD.
Comment by Vytautas (GODhack) - Friday, 11 April 2008, 19:54 GMT
ahhh... I told one minute ago that I understood. Just I wrote post before trying to do sth.
Comment by Vytautas (GODhack) - Friday, 11 April 2008, 20:06 GMT
And it is bug because in normal way it is impossible to install.
Comment by Vytautas (GODhack) - Friday, 11 April 2008, 20:27 GMT
  • Field changed: Percent Complete (100% → 0%)
Impossible to write working PKGBUID.
Comment by Aaron Griffin (phrakture) - Friday, 11 April 2008, 20:28 GMT
Give me a PKGBUILD that you have. I will make it work.
Comment by Aaron Griffin (phrakture) - Friday, 11 April 2008, 20:28 GMT
Removing Dan from list, so he doesn't have to deal with trivialities.
Comment by Dan McGee (toofishes) - Friday, 11 April 2008, 20:35 GMT
I'm already on the notification list. I don't understand how you can't write a PKGBUILD for this, this is just stupid. If unzip works, it can be done. Period.
Comment by Vytautas (GODhack) - Friday, 11 April 2008, 20:38 GMT
Hmm ok try yourself. Link is here. Almost same PKGBUILD is ~spell-ru in community.
Sum is: 433822e1cd000eb91919dca015f58cf9
Comment by Aaron Griffin (phrakture) - Friday, 11 April 2008, 20:40 GMT
Here is a PKGBUILD which unzips it and does nothing. Making it real is left as an exercise to the reader.

