FS#9710 - pacman install package with minimum disk space usage
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Opened by Daniel YC Lin (dlin) - Thursday, 28 February 2008, 05:03 GMT
Last edited by Dan McGee (toofishes) - Wednesday, 16 July 2008, 00:28 GMT
Opened by Daniel YC Lin (dlin) - Thursday, 28 February 2008, 05:03 GMT
Last edited by Dan McGee (toofishes) - Wednesday, 16 July 2008, 00:28 GMT
Description: pacman install package with minimum disk
Additional info: * package version(s) * config and/or log files etc. Steps to reproduce: I install archlinux with limited free disk space partition. I required to upgrade system, but it required about 200 M bytes to download all disk. I think this function could be implement another option (eg. pacman -S1) by following step: for every file required to install: 1. download one file. 2. install it 3. delete the installed file instead of previouse steps 1. download all files 2. install all files |
This task depends upon
Closed by Dan McGee (toofishes)
Wednesday, 16 July 2008, 00:28 GMT
Reason for closing: Won't implement
Additional comments about closing: Pacman just isn't architected to work this way, and it would be a lot of work for only a little gain on the end users part.
Wednesday, 16 July 2008, 00:28 GMT
Reason for closing: Won't implement
Additional comments about closing: Pacman just isn't architected to work this way, and it would be a lot of work for only a little gain on the end users part.
I think implementing this won't be easy with current libalpm design.
The previous steps is still the same as pacman.
Apart from fileconflict check [:-P] this could be implemented easily... Transaction rollback could eliminate the fileconflict check in this case, so after implementing FS#8585 we can return to this bug...
Do you mean I could trust the pacman -Syup 's download url listing?
Or, is there any better command I could know to do?
I think there still lack the ability like pacman could do.
So Daniel, IMHO this is quite hard to implement. The reason: We must get all filelists in order to be able to do fileconflict check, and filelists are computed from package files... Well, we could download package files twice, but probably AL server maintainers wouldn't like it;-) I don't think that -Syup + script magic can solve your request neither (but in many cases that may work if you upgrade packages _in correct order_).
On the other hand there were some requests to add option to find files in sync packages, if this were implemented then your request could be done easily too. But I cannot predict the future.
In -f special case we don't need filelists, so in that case your request could be implemented easily too. But -f is not recommended, so probably we won't implement it there.
pacman -S pkg --noconfirm
rm /var/cache/pacman/pkg/*.pkg.tar.gz
I know how to do the install and remove step.
But I'm not sure, could I use the result order of pacman -Sup as my install packages order?
In Dan's script you can use any order of packages, that won't break anything. The order affects only the needed (extra) disk space. [A package can pull many deps, but this is probably less than the packages of -Su]
See also: -Qu
eg. the image files which I put on colinux
ArchLinux-0.7.2-ext3-512mb.7z can't not smoothly upgrade now. (Because the repository's name changed from current to core).
ArchLinux-2007.08-2-ext3-256m.7z can't not smoothly upgrade, if all package required to upgrade after about one or two year.
But, anyway if it will too difficult to implement. OK, just close this ticket.