FS#9186 - pacman segfault when the cachedir is not valid or writable
Attached to Project:
Opened by Xavier (shining) - Sunday, 13 January 2008, 10:31 GMT
Last edited by Dan McGee (toofishes) - Sunday, 13 January 2008, 18:37 GMT
Opened by Xavier (shining) - Sunday, 13 January 2008, 10:31 GMT
Last edited by Dan McGee (toofishes) - Sunday, 13 January 2008, 18:37 GMT
Summary and Info:
When the cachedir specified is not usable, pacman will segfault when trying to fallback to /tmp/ Steps to Reproduce: remove the write permission to the cache dir : chmod a-w /var/cache/pacman/pkg or put a broken symlink there : mv /var/cache/pacman/pkg /var/cache/pacman/pkg_old && ln -s foo /var/cache/pacman/pkg Then install a package : pacman -S pacman Also reported on bbs : http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=316677 |
This task depends upon
Closed by Dan McGee (toofishes)
Sunday, 13 January 2008, 18:37 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: http://projects.archlinux.org/git/gitweb .cgi?p=pacman.git;a=commit;h=ab506f77c04 a481782d9e53c6a285227f58f5cf7
Sunday, 13 January 2008, 18:37 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: http://projects.archlinux.org/git/gitweb .cgi?p=pacman.git;a=commit;h=ab506f77c04 a481782d9e53c6a285227f58f5cf7

Pulled into my working tree, and this will definitely make it into
pacman 3.1.1.