FS#9064 - Rebuild vpnc package w/o openssl support
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Arch Linux
Opened by Christoph Zeiler (Rabyte) - Monday, 31 December 2007, 19:44 GMT
Last edited by Greg (dolby) - Sunday, 22 June 2008, 15:39 GMT
Opened by Christoph Zeiler (Rabyte) - Monday, 31 December 2007, 19:44 GMT
Last edited by Greg (dolby) - Sunday, 22 June 2008, 15:39 GMT
OpenSSL support needs to be removed from vpnc, as
distributing binary packages
of vpnc linked against openssl is a violation of the GPL. Quoting from vpnc's Makefile: # The license of vpnc (Gpl >= 2) is quite likely incompatible with the # openssl license. Openssl is currently used to provide certificate # support for vpnc (hybrid only). # While it is OK for users to build their own binaries linking in openssl # with vpnc and even providing dynamically linked binaries it is probably # not OK to provide the binaries inside a distribution. # See http://www.gnome.org/~markmc/openssl-and-the-gpl.html for further # details. |
This task depends upon

There are tons of GPL packages which depend on openssl. I won't
remove features just because there is 'probably' a problem. Can
you show me a detailed description of the problem that does not
consist of 'probably' and 'maybe'?

reopened because of "libldap and openssl/gnutls" thread on dev ML.